Room 206 prt2

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My heart rate quickens and my palms are sweaty. I don't know how to react to my best friend liking me like that.

"Let's get this started!" I heard her yell coming up the stairs. I thumbled with the book in nervousness to get it back where I found it.
"Uh- yeah let's do this thing." Damn Colby you sound so suspicious. My heart continued to race when she walked into the room.
"Why are you sitting on the floor?" She was confused and I was sweating so bad. "Oh i don't know."

Y/n p.o.v:

Colby was acting strange but I let it slide. He's always a little weirdo.
I started stranger things season 3, and I already started to eat the popcorn mean while Colby had a bunch of Oreos in his hand, doing the usual thing he does when he eats Oreos, taking the damn cookie apart and eating the icing first and then putting the cookie part back into the container.
"That's not how you eat a Oreo Colby." I crossed my arms.
"Yeah it is, the icing is the better part."
" no the cookie is the better part."
He took the pillow underneath him and hit me with it. "Oh, I see how it is." I took my pillow and hit him back. "It's so on y/n!"
  We danced around the room like 5 year olds at a carnival with cotton candy, except that cotton candy was my pillow and 18 year olds holding them. 
  "Hey no blocking cheater." Colby peeked his head from the other side of the bed.
  "Then why are you hiding behind my mattress CoLbY." I mocked and laughed at his ridiculous expression that appeared on his face when mocking me back.  I quickly threw a small pillow at his mocking face. "Ha, get recked." I pointed at his body laying in my white carpet.
Colby got up and started wrestling me.
" 1......2......3! I win!" Colby had me pinned like we were actually wrestling.
A long pause came from the quiet of the room.
It felt like forever drowning in his ocean blue eyes but yet I can still breathe. His face got closer to mine. The closer he got the quicker my heart began to race. I felt his breath on my lips until they interlocked. It was a slow pace and romantic. I never felt so in love with somebody.

  It's been a week since it happened and Colby acted like it never happened. I try my best to hold back my feelings but it feels like I'm gonna burst.
   "Hey y/n" Colby caught up to me when classes changed. I was happy that Colby was talking to me again. I swear I thought I scared him off.
   "Hey colby, I'm free tonight if you wanna hang out?" We walked slowly now. Colby thought about it while lifting his one brow.
    "You know what, that sounds awesome right now." 

  Back at room 206 for study hall and already I see my best friend Mia patting the chair next to her as she saw me walk through the door. I shakes my head, rolled my eyes, then smiled at how silly she is.
  I sighed and sat next to her. She already knew something was in my mind, buzzing and irritating me.  "What's wrong?" Her eyes glistened with care and made me feel better to share with her. "*sighed* it's Colby....... again. He acts like nothing happened like it was all just a mistake in the moment thing. I feel like he's trying to avoid me and I wanna know why." I flipped through my text book acting like I'm actually doing work but I know damn well that I'm not gonna do crap in this class. "Y/n, give home sometime. Maybe he likes you back but doesn't want to admit to it."
   I tapped my pencil trying to think. I put the pencil down when reality set in. "Yeah, maybe your right,Mia." "Of course I am silly, I'm always right." She winked then a giggle. "Whatever you dork." I laughed with her.

   The sound of the knocking at my door echoed around my house.
  "I'm coming!" I screamed from the top of the stairs.  I opened it to see Colby and some other random guy. "Hey colby, who's this?" "Oh- sorry Manors, I'm Jake Webber. Nice to meet you." He reached his hand out for me to shake. When I took it I noticed it was cold and clammy. "Nice to meet you Jake." I stepped aside to let them in but Jake just stood there. "You can come in silly."
   "Oh- sorry, I just didn't want to be rude."

I shut the door and we headed upstairs.
"What do you guys wanna do?" "Well, we were actually thinking about going out tonight. If your down too of course." "Yeah sure, but where?"
  "Just around the city, it's beautiful at night."

  We drove around in the car and decided to stop at a isolated diner just outside the city, this is me and Colby's spot. 
   "What would you like?" "Can I get a iced 2 shots of espresso with Splenda please."
  We sat and enjoyed. Colby and Jake got milk shakes and said immature memes to each other. I stared out the window watching the stars. I heard people laughing out side. 3 guys were standing at the corner and stared at me through the window. Another walked along and knocked on the glass.
I looked at Jake and Colby. They had a face of worry and anger. "Y/n, we need to leave now." Colby said getting up and grabbing my arm. "Colby, why?" We we're rushing out the door. "Just do as I say y/n." We turned around the corner where the car sat and there they waited. One of them had a toothpick hanging from his mouth. "Well. If it ain't colby and Jake. When were you gonna introduce your friend here?" His thumb glided across my cheek. "Don't fucking touch her!" Colby pushed him down. But with the speed of lightning he was already back on his feet and had his hand on Colby's neck. His eyes turned red and fangs came out of his mouth. My heart quickened and I started breathing heavy. One of the other ones held me hostage. "Your friend here smells damn good." He smelled me and held me tight. "No!" Jake ran to me and kicked the guy in the legs hearing it break. The guys screamed in pain but I saw it heal back into place like witch craft. "Stay back y/n" Colby pushed me behind him. "Colby what the fuck is happening." "I SAID STAY BACK!" His eyes also turned red and fangs grew out of his mouth.
   What are they?!

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