Room 206

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Heyyyyyyyy! It's been so long and I miss you guys soooooo much!!!!!! I hope you guys missed me and I'm sorry for how long I've been gone beautifuls❤️❤️
I felt the summer heat against my skin for the first time after a long winter, I'm shedding my pale skin and growing my glowing tan, I finally got to be with my crush, god he's so hot,the heat felt much greater between me and him than the sun against my skin would ever. I looked into his ocean eyes for the last time before I closed my eyes and leaned in.......

Y/n! Time for school!

My mom yelled at me from downstairs. Yes, I had a dream, another silly fantasy of mine that plays movies inside my head of my perfect way of life. Like I'm not complete, like I'm not whole with out him. Him? Colby my friend, yes, I have to remember that he's just a friend he wants nothing more, got it......
  I act like a little girl again and listen to my one direction while dreaming about harry styles. Please don't take me back to those days! How embarrassing, but, that's how I'm acting like with Colby. Ever dream I have about him I write down in my diary, crazy I know, you don't have to remind me.
  Today's my last day of school,me and Colby are gonna hang out after school, we always meet by the room 206 after school when we planed to hang out, it's crazy that we're now going to be seniors and still act like children.
"Ok everyone take your sets...... quiet please." Mrs.salvia shouted over the many chattering kids. I can't help but stare at her small thin lips and how wrinkled they are. She put her small reading glasses on and began to take attendance. "Tyler" she read, my phone buzzed and I saw Colby's name come across the lit screen.

Colby: what's that plan today?

I looked at the teacher for a min before responding.

Me:room 206, and we'll make plans.

I sneaked my phone back into my pocket and smiled. I always smile when Colby texts me.

Room 206....... I stood until I saw a familiar sam walk down the hallway next to the beautiful brunette Colby.
  "Hey y/n, so how about those plans?"
  "Well sir, I thought maybe we could go to my house and get snacks for some stranger things season 3."
   "Hell yeah, come one lets gooo."

  Opening the door and shows my familiar bed in pink. "Make yourself comfy and I'll get the popcorn." I let and headed down stairs.

Colby's p.o.v:
She left the room. I sat impatiently and snooping was becoming my first priority. I walked around her room, pictures of us in picture frames sitting on her dresser, led lights lit up the whole room making it aesthetically pleasing in here. I looked at her night stand, in the corner of my eyebrow could see something peeking out from under her many pillows, ironic. It's velvety texture and the bold words (my diary) printed across it. I was eager to read. My fingers tipped on the book and my thoughts rushed through my head. My mouth became dry and I got nervous. I opened the first page.

Dear diary,

Last nights dream was amazing! Me and you know who kissed and it felt so real and I wish it was, I wish it wasn't another fantasy.

Who is this about? I flipped to another random page.

Dear diary,

He's perfect, his blue ocean eyes, his brown hair and beautiful smile lights up my world. I wish he knew how much I actually love him. Colby Brock..... I wanna say..... I love you Colby Brock.

Oh my god..... it's me...... I don't know how to react,

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