Party goers prt2

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    I pushed my way through the crowd of people tears rolling down my face. I couldn't believe I almost fell for it as if I was a puppet but it seems to me that I'm not the only girl. I managed to make it outside. Storming to my car. Through all my anger and tears I heard the familiar voice. "WAIT!" I see Colby running my direction. I didn't want to look at his face right now, I would probably cry if I did. " what Colby" trying to hide my sadness but you can hear the deepness in my voice. "We need to talk. Not here but somewhere else" he got closer feeling his presence around me. "GOD! Why should I even trust you right now colby. I'm nothing but a virgin slut for you to add to your collection!" There was a pause. "Collection?" " is that what you think of me as? A fuck boy?" There was another moment of silence and the tension builds up. "That's what everybody thinks of you" I finally broke the silence. "Can you at least look at me" I hesitated but finally turned around. I could tell he's looking into my eyes trying to figure them out like a puzzle. "Let's go talk, I have a place we can go" he grabs my chin and lifts my head up so gental and sweet. "Ok", we get in the car. Colby's diving. I looking out the window seeing all the street lights but seeing the sky turn from black to a dark blue. He brought us to the place. It's beautiful, it's on top of a mountain and over looking Hollywood. We sit there and look down at the glowing city and buildings with casinos. "You know what people say about me isn't true....." I don't say anything. "I only ever had one body, and she got mad at me when I said it was a mistake. So she spreaded around school that I cheated on her with multiple girls. It's funny how someone can ruin your life like that" I looked at him, concerned and didn't know what actually happened to him. "Y/n I only ever liked you, since forever." I turned my head seeing him look at me and observing my lips and my body. "Colby, I've had the longest crush on you but people painted you out to be a fuck boy and a user, I never wanted to believe it." I stared into his eyes getting lost in the the moment at every second. His lips inches from mine. He slowly passionately placed his lips upon mine. Moving in sync. He pulled away, biting his lip. The sun was rising and his hands cupped around my cheeks. "I love you y/n" I smiled uncontrollably. "I love you too Colby Brock"

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