37. Group Hangout (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

"What the hell am I doing?" I spoke out loud. "This is stupid."

I was going to highlight everything I'd written and delete it, but somehow some way, my finger hit the send button instead. I wasn't going to trip about it, but then it went through.

It felt like one of those times in high school when you sent your crush a really risky text. I had a weird feeling in my stomach and my heart was racing.

"Calm down." I spoke to myself. "She's not even gonna see it."

I threw my phone to the side and buried my face in my hands. I'm not even supposed to be thinking about her. I need to focus on Jade.

Eventually Jade called me back and we discussed our plans with Jayla, Aniya, and Parker which turned into plans with Jayla, Aniya, Parker, Chastity, and AJ. I wasn't really bothered by Chastity and AJ coming, but Chastity and Nadia are pretty close and I don't want anyone else having an issue with Jade. Chastity's not the type to start trouble anyway. So I guess I shouldn't be worried.


"You're not explaining to me why I can't tell Dani. She's going to be so happy to see you." Chastity spoke with a smile that worried me. Maybe I shouldn't have told her I was back either.

"I don't want her to know. That's my explanation. That and she likes someone else. I don't want to ruin something that could be good for her. What if I tell her I'm back, we get back together, and things still don't work out? I at least want her to have the chance of being with someone else." I explained.

"I get that, but the whole point of the break up was so you could focus on getting better. Your issues never involved Dani. She just happened to come into your life while you were dealing with them. If you're better, why can't you continue to get better, but with her? There has to be another reason." Chastity probed.

We were at my house because Ro wasn't up for meeting anyone else. She's still adjusting to being outside of some sort of facility without having to worry about her mother. It's officially been a week since I've been home and I missed my best friend, so I had to tell her I was back. I couldn't go surprise Chastity because I'd run the risk of seeing Dani and I wasn't ready for that.

Well, I was ready to see Dani, I'm just not ready for what comes with seeing her. What if she's mad at me for not responding to her last letter? She's already seeing someone else. What if she doesn't want anything to do with me? Not to mention, Ro is scared out of her mind to see Jade. She hasn't even told Ms.Keri she's out of the MHRC yet and she tells her everything.

She hasn't seen Jade since they were fifteen and she thinks Jade won't want anything to do with her.

We're both scared. Besides, Dani and Jade obviously like each other and we don't want to ruin that. Well, I wouldn't mind ruining that because I don't want Dani with anyone else, but Ro doesn't think we should. She just keeps saying that if we're meant to be with them, we will be, but she's not putting in any effort for that to become reality. Faith without works is dead, isn't it?

To clear up some things, Ro and I aren't a thing and we never plan on being one. We're each other's form of comfort. We haven't slept together, but we do make out and cuddle from time to time. We like each other obviously, but we both know that we have different and stronger feelings for Dani and Jade.

This whole thing is ridiculous. The least we can do is let them know we're here. That way, they won't keep getting closer and closer. They're gonna fall in love if we keep hiding from them. Dani isn't a hard person to fall in love with. I know from experience. I want my damn wife back.

"Bitch!" Chastity said making me snap my head in her direction.

"So you're just gonna disrespect me in my own house?" I asked and Chastity laughed. She took my phone off of the charger and thrusted in my face.

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