I don't even realize I'm crying until Cal turns me around and brushes the tears from my face. He doesn't say anything seeming to sense that words can't do much to comfort me in this moment. How strange it is to be misunderstood for so long, only to have someone walk in and know you like the back of their hand instantaneously.

"Oh my god, Jes. Look at this one!" Cal says holding up an insanely adorable and teeny dress. We had come baby shopping first, after stopping by Cal's apartment for him to change clothes.

"That's really cute." I smile before glancing at the price tag, "and insanely expensive. Absolutely not."

"Jes, I'm paying for the stuff, pick out what you want her to have. I could care less about the price."

"Yeah, well I'm not comfortable spending more on one outfit that's sure to be ruined than I spend on my electric bill."

"You're not spending it though."

"Choose your battles Hood. Put the dress back."

"Ugh, fine." He groans like a child. I laugh lightly at his pouting before turning back to the seemingly endless aisles of baby products.

We've nearly filled up a shopping cart with a crib, outfits, blankets, bedding, and other necessities for the nursery. We'd also nearly finished completing the baby registry.

"Do um..." Cal starts before pausing. I look up to find him scratching at the back of his neck. "Do you think we should be getting two of the basic things? Like bouncers and high chairs...for when she's at my house."

I stop flipping through a rack of onesies and turn to face him. The thought had never even occurred to me that she would move between our homes. I'm suddenly hyper aware that we are not a normal couple and this is not a normal parenting situation.

"I....I honestly haven't thought about it."

This thought process brings about a whole new wave of things to be anxious about. Nights alone with her. Midnight feeds and wake ups with no one to help. The list is endless and it hadn't even crossed my mind. Of course I knew when he was on tour I'd be left to my own devices, but I had failed to realize that would be the case even when he was in town.

"It's okay we don't have to decide now or anything..." he trails suddenly seemingly very interested in a selection of cloth diapers.

I don't know what else to say so an awkward silence settles between us as we finish our shopping. I try not to gasp at the final price of our selection but Calum doesn't even seem phased by the total, quickly swiping his card. I know it's important to him to pay for things but I'm still not completely on board with him spending so much money on us.

"We need to get you some things too." He says quietly as we depart the baby shop and place our purchases into the car.

"I can just do it another day. It's not like I have anywhere to go."

"Jes, come on, don't be like this."

"Like what, Calum?"

"I don't know, you're just cranky over nothing."

"Sorry that I'm tired, pregnant, and irritable."

"That's not why you're upset and you know it." He calls me out.

"I don't know what you mean."

"Yeah, you do, Jes. You weren't upset until I brought up the housing situation."

I'm quiet because he's right and we both know it.

"We'll figure something out okay. Don't stress yourself out about this too, the doctor said it's bad for the baby." He reaches across the seat to grab my hand. My love language is physical touch and I love that he knows that and how to comfort me. I squeeze his hand so he knows I've heard him but can't find my words at the moment.

"These are the most comfortable pants I've ever owned." I exclaim as I lay on my bed in my newly purchased maternity leggings. We did end up stopping to get some maternity clothing for me after the baby store debacle. Pants were necessary and mine no longer fit as our little princess was determined to make her presence known these days.

"They make your ass look fantastic." Cal comments and I chuck a pillow at him. "What?" He asks "I'm just being honest."I chuckle and flop down on the bed next to him.

"You could always try the rest of your new clothes on for me." He says with a smirk.

"You'd like that, huh?"

"Mmmhhmm" he hums rolling over so that his face is next to mine and his breath is hot against my ear. "Especially that red dress you bought in case we go to dinner or something. I really like that one."

"Oh, is that so."

"I think it might be more fun if you wore that one just for me."

"I think that would be a detailed lesson on why I need the maternity style in that dress in the first place Mr. Hood."

"Well...it's not like you can get pregnant twice." He says matter of factly and I playfully push his shoulder and shake my head at him.

"Not tonight, okay? Soon though, I promise." He looks a little sad at my rejection but I know he understands why I'm not ready.


"Yeah, Cal?"

"Could I stay here again though?"

I flip over to face him.

"We'd really like that."

AN: I definitely ship Calsie 🤷🏻‍♀️

Anyone have any guesses/ideas about what's going to happen for them?

I already have a name picked out for the baby but let's hear your guesses!

Any and all feedback is always appreciated!

Thanks for all the reads/comments/votes! Keep it up and I promise to keep the updates frequent!

-Sav 🖤

Unexpected | Calum HoodDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora