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Chapter Seven

Elizabeth's eyes looked dull and lifeless

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Elizabeth's eyes looked dull and lifeless. She was in the front seat of her Literature class, interested neither by her surroundings, nor the words of her teacher.

It had been two days since she found out that she had a father. Two achingly long days. 

Her father hadn’t visited since.

She should have been happy after hearing the news of her father, but somehow, her thoughts were turning a shade darker than usual. She felt a storm of emotions swirling down her soul.

The shrill ring of the bell brought her back to reality. It was recess. 

Annie was absent today, so Elizabeth was feeling the world weighing down her shoulders.

After the whole class had left, she was sitting alone in the monumentally placed, haphazardly structured of the benches of Room Thirteen.

After a few minutes, she got up from her seat. She walked out of the classroom, making her way towards the corridor. Instead of taking a left to go to the mess hall, she took a right.

After a few steps, she took another right turn. Another right once again.

She was finally there. As she walked out of the parking lot, she spotted an empty parking space.

The space where Marina's car was supposed to be.

The principal had arranged an assembly for the students in the morning, where he informed everyone about the news of Marina's death. A veil of silence and sadness loomed over the school.

After a few hours, Marina was erased from everyone's memory. Forgotten. Erased from existence. Elizabeth felt sick as she looked at the empty space. She turned around, walking towards the exit. 

A soft yawn escaped her lips. She hadn't slept properly for the past few days. 

Nightmares of her death haunted her frequently, growing less bearable with each passing night. And then, there was her father. 

Elizabeth walked as far away from her school as possible. The place had now become a monument of her misery, reminding her of everything from her vivid nightmares to the death of her friend. She needed solace.

Elizabeth spotted a coffee shop by the pavement, one that had recently become famous for its eccentric name and an even more eccentric menu. Demon's Coffee, read the sign. Elizabeth sighed as she walked towards it.

As soon as she entered, the chime of the doorbell rang in a sweet monotony, notifying her presence to the people around her.

She silently took a seat in the corner of the shop, avoiding as much attention as she could. Soon, a waitress came by to take her order. She placed the menu on the table.

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