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Chapter One

Elizabeth Scottson sat down on her bed in her knee-length nightgown, a horror book in her hands, her lips pressed into a tight line

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Elizabeth Scottson sat down on her bed in her knee-length nightgown, a horror book in her hands, her lips pressed into a tight line. Elizabeth had always loved reading. It was one of her favorite things to do.

As she flipped through the last pages, a sigh of satisfaction left her lips. At least the ending was good, she thought as she placed the book on her bedside table.

She glanced at her phone. It was past midnight.

A soft yawn escaped her lips as she put the phone on the nightstand.

She laid on her pastel pink bed. As she pulled the blanket upon herself, she was immediately lulled to sleep.

Elizabeth's blonde locks whipped furiously around her face as the wind stormed forth, brandishing a fury never known to man.

Its wrath turned everything into havoc. People were flying in the air, some already lulled into an eternal slumber, their arms flailing. Loud shrieks were muffled by the loud booms of electrifying rage, flashing in the skies in every second or two.

Her body was still. It didn't seem to be affected by the cold wind that hit her face. Her body felt a sense of pleasure seeing the chaotic mess.

A green aura glowed dimly around her body, her green irises now surrounded by a bloodshot white. She was in no way enjoying this. She screamed, cried, yearned to help the people around her. But her feet were glued to the ground.

All of a sudden, the world paused.

She tried to move and surprisingly enough, her body obeyed. The only thing that crossed her mind was to help the people around her.

As she made her way towards their direction, a piercing pain rose in her chest. It was as if someone had passed a rope through her stomach with a sharp end and was pulling it from the other side. It was pulling her back.

She tried to force herself forward, but in one swift motion, she was snatched backward into the dark woods.

Realizing that it was of no avail, she stood up and strolled her way through the woods, moving in the direction her captor wanted her to go.

She finally reached a clearance. The pull was gone.

The forest floor shimmered in the pale moonlight. Leaves rustled above her as a soft breeze blew.

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