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Chapter Two

Elizabeth walked alongside the lockers of her high school, her legs trembling slightly, her confident gait gone

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Elizabeth walked alongside the lockers of her high school, her legs trembling slightly, her confident gait gone. Last night's dream was still fresh in her memory. Her usually sparkling blue eyes looked dull and pale today. Her smile looked strained. She was wearing a rather normal outfit, not grabbing much attention from the teenagers roaming in the hallway.

Her hair was disheveled as if she had forgotten to comb it down. Dark circles loomed beneath her once radiant eyes. Anyone could tell that she has not been sleeping well lately. All it took was one look at her sorry state. 

Elizabeth was horrified after she woke up today. Her room was too much to take in. And the news didn't help it at all. When she switched on the television this morning, she was greeted with a picture of a mutilated woman, a knife shoved into her chest, right where the heart was supposed to be. The mere sight of the body made her sick. 

Then a video popped up. Detective Mary Parker and Alex Ricosta were standing at what Elizabeth supposed was the crime scene. 

After what seemed to be an infinity, Detective Parker's voice greeted her ears. 

"There have been a dangerous number of deaths in our town in the past few weeks. The victims were girls so far. There were no male deaths of this manner reported in this duration. The girls have been killed rather brutally, the lack of any major scars from bindings show they were hopeful till their last minutes. They were then stabbed in the heart with a knife.

The murderer always leaves the knife behind. So far, we couldn't find anything about the killer. But we'll find him soon. That's my promise to you. 

Until then, please don't go out with strangers. Don't date unknown men. It's not safe. You never know who this mysterious person could be."

When Detective Parker was finished, Detective Ricosta spoke up.

"I've seen many cases of homicide, but I've never seen one as bad as this. The killer has killed these girls mercilessly. We found a dead body yesterday night, the girl's name was June Summers. 

She was found in an alleyway, killed by a stab to her heart. Many other injuries were also found. We couldn't connect with anyone close to June. So if you're watching this video and you know June please come to the police station immediately."

Elizabeth remembered the news channel playing a slideshow containing pictures of the victims of the case after the video was over. They were all stabbed in their hearts. She felt sick as she watched them. 

A bad feeling settled over her stomach. She felt nauseous, scared too. When she woke up today, she saw something shockingly horrible. A deep fear crawled up her body as she took in the sight of her blood-stained floor. A message was left for her there, written in a vicious red.

Beyond the Veil |✔حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن