Chapter 19: Hotel California

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"Cyborg you have to find them." BeastBoy stated.
"Calm your green butt down. I'm working on it." Cyborg snapped.
"Well work harder!" BeastBoy snapped back.
Cyborg grumbled under his breath as he began to scan the elements of the scorch mark through a computer data base.
Bee laid her hand on BeastBoys shoulder, he lowered his head and they walked over to the couch where a distraught Robin sat.
BeastBoy put his hand on his leaders knee. This was one of the only times Robins hadn't kept it together, and no one knew what to do.
"They are out there and we will find them." BeastBoy said as he looked into his leaders mask. 
"What if it's too late" Robin said back. No one have ever expected that kind of reply from him, but none the less he was hurt and had a hole in his heart that only a certain girl could fill.
He glanced out the window as he stared out at the horizon, everything seemed to get slower as the world passed by.
"Raven... Raven please wake up." Starfire shook Raven's shoulder.  "Ughh.." Raven grumbled as she came too. "Where are we?" She sat up and held her head in her hand.
"I fear I do not know." Starfire quivered.
"1,2 buckle your shoes." A quiet voice echoed through the corridors. Metal cuffs came out from the floor and encased the girls feet.
"Huh.." Raven said trying to comprehend what was happening.
"3,4 slam all the doors." A different voice cackled. All the doors in the building began opening and slamming shut.
Starfire let out a blood curdling scream.  Several pieces of glass began to crack.
" ow ow ow!" A screen came down from the ceiling.
"Not so loud would ya, Try not to wake the dead, unless they have jokes than let's wake them!" A clown appeared on the screen.
"Who are you?" Starfire asked innocently. Her feet still strapped to the floor.
"So the bird boy hasn't told you yet. How delightful! This will make the games extra funnn!" The clown exclaimed as he twirled around.
"Quit clowning around Joker ." A tall skinny figure appeared from the shadows. Question marks surrounding the room as he walked in.
Dressed in a ripped up green suit with one large black question mark in the center. He was different than that of the clown. The clown had a very torn looking appearance, big green hair, a large nose, blackish mouth make up, and a torn uniform that mixed a pianist and a fun time together.
"I am the Riddler. Welcome to my brain. You see this hotel has been remodeled to fit a certain criteria, each room is its own game. You must play to survive but be warned, the longer you stay here the more it changes you. By the time you leave here you will be the best bad guys you can be." The riddler smirked before backing away into the shadows. Joker came back into camera view.
"Let's the games begin!!" He howled. "Harley where's my popcorn!" He yelled as the Tv slid back up into the wall.
Raven and Starfire looked at each other.
"How much water can the human body take before drowning." The Riddlers voice echoed the halls. Several pipes emerged from the wall. "Let's find out." The door to the room shut and the pipes began spilling water into the enclosed room. Starfire began to move her feet, trying to break free. Raven closed her eyes, she needed to focus in on her energy and ground herself before attempting to make an escape.
The water was getting higher and higher. It was beginning to flow around Starfires waist. The more she struggled the faster it came in.
"Starfire stop." Raven said. As soon as Starfire stopped moving the flowing stream turned into a trickle. "The more you move, the more water it runs. We need to think about this first."
Starfire nodded and took a mental step back from where she was in her mind. "Starfire, on my count. Shoot your eye beams at my feet cuffs. 1,2,3." Starfire began to use her eye beams at Raven's feet. Raven put her hand to her thigh and let the black energy lace with the green star bolts. They wove together like a spider in a web, going through each piece of metal before finally unlocking both feet. Raven calmly levitated to Starfire. The water was coming at a slow pace.  Raven's movements were less frantic than Starfires, even though it still triggered water it wasn't as bad.
At this point the water was up to their shoulders and they were beginning to float up towards the ceiling with the current. Starfire grabbed Raven's hand as they floated to the top together. Starfire swam to a part of the wall that looked weaker than the rest. She charged her starbolts and let a couple fly. The wall became cracked and the water fell down the pipes harder. She let a couple more fly and the wall came crashing down, water spilled down the long dark hallway. "One down, hundreds to go." Raven said.
"Yes. Hundreds." Starfire said with a slight smirk.
Raven could sense something was changing in her, the hotel and its evil were encapsulating her first. "I got to get you out of here." Raven said.
"It is most glorious to be in a place such as this one." Starfire said with an evil tone in her voice.
^WHACK^  "owwwww" Starfire screamed out in her normal high pitched tone.
There was a bright pink slap mark appearing on Starfires cheek.
"I'm sorry that'll snap you out of it for now." Raven said. Starfire chuckled nervously before getting a long face and flying down the hall with her friend. She didn't want to turn into a villain. That was is not who she is. Blackfire? Yes, Starfire? NO.  They came to a boarded up window at the end of the hall. They removed a board and looked out of the other side. Bars were stuck to the window so that they may not leave. They saw the hills across the horizon and the lights in a distance. Raven focused in on the bars.
"Azarath Metrion zintho——ahhhhh" She fell to the ground. The bars had shocked her. "Ugh" she held her head in pain. "What ever it is I can't break it apart.... but I might be able to get through it." She levitated in mid air, crossing her legs she began to channel in the towers mainframe.
"I'm in." She said.
Starfire watched closely and carefully as her friends eyes began to glow bright white.
BeastBoy felt something in his heart tug. "Raven." He said. He ran to the computer and pushed cyborg out of the way.
"Hey what in the.." Cyborg said.
"Raven." BeastBoy said. The changelings eyes began glowing bright white just as Raven's was. BeastBoy began typing away at the compute in a mystic writing with symbols no one could understand. When he was done his eyes turned back to green and he fell to the ground.
"I'm sorry I had to do that to you Grass Stain." Raven's voice came over the monitor. Her picture was blurry but they could hear her loud and clear. "Raven! Where are you!" BeastBoy shot up from the ground and shouted. "I don't know I'm sending you my coordinates mentally. There's not much time." She said in a hurry. "Riddler, joker, hotel." Her voice began cracking. Robin snapped out of his distraught state when he heard the name of two major criminals he knew all to well.
"Starfire. Need. Help. Changing her. Evil." Her voice cut out and the screen went black. Cyborgs eyes began to glow white. He typed in a coordinate in the map and tracked before he himself fell to the floor.
"There." Robin pointed. "Deep in the hills."
"What could be there." BeastBoy asked.
"Raven and Starfire." Cyborg replied rubbing his temples. "Man that girl gave me a headache."
Robin began typing a number into the computer communicator. BeastBoy and Cyborg didn't recognize any of it except a Gotham area code.
A bat signal suddenly appeared up on the monitor as the ringing of the tone crept through the tower.
       Miles and miles away a phone began to vibrate in a young billionaires pocket.
"Alfred pack your bags. We are taking a road trip."

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