Chapter 2: Hidden

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It wasn't long after BeastBoy made the call had Cyborg pulled up in the T-Car. He parked along the sidewalk and walked over to a greener than usual BB.
BeastBoy didn't have to look up from his hands to know who had just sat next to him. Without any control he let his emotions flow, he broke down. His tears falling faster than the River Nile. Cyborg didn't say a word, he just sat there and put his arm around BeastBoy. He knew how much of a toll it was taking on him. BB was his best friend and even though he hated seeing him in that state of mind there wasn't much any one could do about it now. All anyone could do was help him move past this stage in his life, & that's exactly what he was going to do.

Cyborg led BeastBoy to the car before going back and placing an order for four pizzas, one pepperoni, one mega meat, one veggie, & one with mustard. - Starfire asked for this one personally-
Cyborg walked back to the car to talk with BB. At this point the stream of tears had stopped and he was drying them on a napkin Cy kept in the glove compartment.
The pizzas would take about 15-20 minutes before they were done, & that left enough time for Cy to spark a conversation between the two of them.
"Dude, she played me once and now I feel
played again. She doesn't remember anything." BeastBoy sighed
" I loved her, well still love her, but I can't shake the memories of her trying to destroy us. It's traumatizing ya know?"
Cyborg nodded. " Of course it is BB, you trusted her, we all did. Even if she did remember, no one would be able to stop Raven from unleashing her inner demons on her." "When she broke your heart, she hurt all of us. We are a family B, I'm here for you along with Rae, Rob, & Star. No matter how long it takes you to heal we will be here for you."
"Thank you Cy."
"Anytime Grass Stain" Cyborg smiled and pat BB on the head.
The lady inside the pizza place signaled at cyborg through the window.
"I'll be back, hold on."
BeastBoy watched as Cyborg left the car to go get the pizzas.
He glanced at his reflection in the passenger side mirror. He didn't see the silly boy that he was known for being, he saw a sorrowful soul longing for happiness again.
He leaned the seat back and turned over on his side. As he laid there he let a couple years fall down his face, he was so tired that he couldn't help but close his eyes. They were getting heavier and heavier. Soon, he found himself falling into a deep sleep.

Cyborg walked out of the pizza place. He looked over the pizza boxes to the car window. His heart sank when he didn't see Beast Boy in the window. Gripping the pizza under his arms he ran over to the car. He looked into the window to see a green puppy laying where BB was.
"Thank god, he's still here." Cyborg said as he breathed out a sigh of release. BB was known for changing into a puppy when he was upset. It made him small and warm, it made him feel safe where he was & right now this was the safest place to be for him. Cy lifted his arm signaling the communicator to come on.
"Cy come in. Did you get him?" Robin asked Cyborg could see Starfire and Raven in the background anxiously awaiting his answer.
"Yes, he's broken Rob. Badly broken."

"Bring him home, we will get his room ready, he needs rest. He needs his friends too."

"Gotcha Robin, on my way." Cyborg dropped his arm as he opened the door to put the pizzas in the back seat. He gently placed them in and quietly shut the door. He didn't want to wake the sleeping puppy dog in his passenger seat. He climbed in the driver side and started the car. The T car roared with fury. Cyborg winced and looked over expecting to see BB awake.
Instead he saw BB roll over and curl back up in a ball still dead asleep.
The rest of the ride was quiet. He played some of BeastBoys favorite songs quietly in the background to help him stay asleep. He stared at the open road ahead of him.
"How could anyone break him that bad?" He thought to himself.
When he looked at his best friend he normally saw a youngster roaring for fun, he always had a mischief sparkle in his eye. Now all he saw when he looked at BB was an empty shell from what once was. He was hurt, broken, and lost. It was something that they had only experienced once before, when Terra left him the first time. They had pulled him out of it before , it wasn't easy but they could do it again. And they WOULD.
When Cyborg pulled into the Towers garage the others were waiting for him. Starfire floated over to the passenger seat with a pink blanket in her arms. She opened the door gently and scooped the little dog up wrapping him in the blanket. She nodded to Cy and took BeastBoy to his room.
When she had left the room with him Cyborg turned to Raven. He could see her eyes begin to turn red with fury. She could sense B's emotions, she knew how broken he felt and she was angry. Angry with Terra for how much she hurt him. Robin saw this too. He put his hand on Ravens shoulder. " Raven..." he said "He'll be okay"
Raven snapped " We trusted her. We gave her shelter, food, & family. Look at him Robin. Does he look okay to you?"
"Not right now maybe but he will be."
Robin responded

Raven pulled up her hood over her head "If this was Starfire the tables would be turned."
Her words caught him off guard as she phased through the ceiling of the garage up to her room.

"She's right Cy, if this was Star I would be angry too. More than just angry. Furious." Robin sighed and clenched his fist
"I know bro" Cy responded while taking the pizzas in one hand "We need to protect our circle, more than ever now."

They walked up the stairs to the elevator.
" What about Raven?" Cyborg asked
"She will be okay, she cares about him more than she would like to admit." Robin smirked.
Raven hid her emotions undoubtedly well but, when it came to Terra betraying BeastBoy everyone saw her get overly irritated and agitated. No matter how hard she tried she couldn't hide those emotions. She cared about him. As they walked out of the elevator into the kitchen they passed BeastBoys open door. Inside was Star carefully tucking the blanket around the curled up pup.
Robin signaled for her to follow him and Cy out. As the door to his room shut they all wondered how long it would be until the halls were once again filled with BeastBoys laughter and jokes. They missed everything about him, including his pranks that sometimes got out of hand.
As the three titans entered the kitchen they heard a soft whimper come from the other side of Ravens bed room door. Starfire has her hand up ready to knock but Robin put his hand on hers and lowered them down. He shook his head and they walked on.
On the other side of that door Raven was holding onto a picture of her and BB. He was making bunny ears behind her as she gave him an annoyed look. She loved that picture and even if she would never admit it, she loved him.

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