Chapter 18: Lost

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The night went off without a bang. All was well with the Titans. By the time they returned home it was midnight exactly.
"Bee why don't you spend the night? It's too late to drive back tonight." Cyborg suggested nervously.
"Alright sparky. As long as I get to stay with you." She smirked, with that they both went off to Cyborgs room.
Robin turned to Starfire who had somehow already fallen asleep on the couch. He picked her up gently and turned to Raven and Beastboy.
"I'll take her to bed." Robin said. "See you guys in the morning."
"Goodnight." The two remaining titans said in unison as they watched their leader walk out with the girl he loved. They could see right through the mask as he looked down at her. He loved her, nothing could hide that, not even the Batman's training was strong enough to hide his affection for the young alien girl.
BeastBoy turned to Raven, "I'll walk you to your room." She nodded.
"I had a really great time tonight Rae, thank you for putting all this together." BeastBoy said as he walked his girlfriend down a long dark hallway.
She smiled back. "No problem, we should do it again sometime." She nudged his arm playfully. They entered her room. He leaned on the door frame as he watched her pull out clothes and place them on her bed.
He looked around her room. He never noticed the decor and details in it the first time, he had been so set on asking Raven out that he focused in on her and only her. Her room was dark, books on their shelves lined the walls, and on her vanity he saw a hand mirror he had once used without her knowing. He remembered the trip into her mind he and Cyborg took that day. He learned a lot about Raven and her different emotions, how she thought he didn't like her, she actually thought he was funny, her butt kicking side, but the only one he liked the most was her. All of her emotions put together to make her the beautiful girl before him.
He was staring at her for so long he didn't realize that she was staring back.
"Are you okay?" She asked him.
"Never better." He replied embarrassed. She gathered her clothes in her hand and walked to her door.
"I'll see you in the morning Gar." She said before giving him a hug and closing the door.
"I should've kissed her." BeastBoy grumbled as he walked to his room. He wanted their first real kiss to be special.
He changed his clothes & laid down on his bed before passing out.
————— 3:15 AM.
An explosion shook the tower. Alarms going off in every room. BeastBoy was in a daze, he tumbled out of bed and down the hall to the source of the crash. A second explosion rang throughout the tower but this time at another end of the hallway.
"Cyborg come in Cyborg." BeastBoy said over his communicator.
"Dude where are you! We could really use back up." Cyborg stated over the communicator.
"I heard two blasts. I don't know where to go." BeastBoy said nervously.
Cyborg looked at his scanner of the tower.
"One happened in Starfires room, the other happened in Raven's room." Cyborg stated. "Me and Robin are trying to get into Stars room but the door is sealed shut. Bee is heading to Raven's. Go there!" With that Cyborg ended the transmission. Raven's room. Those two words kept echoing through BeastBoys mind as he ran towards his girlfriends room. When he got there he met bee who was already working at burning a hole through the door with her laser tasers. BeastBoy could hear Raven's heartbeat. It was getting faster and faster. She was fighting something behind that door. He began clawing at the door. He could feel her senses weaken as her heart raced. Then nothing. Her breathing and heart stopped, vanished from the tower.
BeastBoy felt his face get hot. His pupils dilate. He changed into a gorilla and ripped the door out of the wall taking part of the actual wall with it. Bee rushed in, but by then it was too late. She was gone, all that was left of her was a memory from just hours before. The teens felt a cold breeze come through her open balcony door.
"Robin. She's gone." Bee stated over her communicator.
"Starfires gone too." Cyborg replied.
He then turned the communicator camera to a very upset Robin. He had punched a hole in the wall next to them. Bee turned hers onto BeastBoy staring out the open sliding door. She then showed him the ripped out door and wall.
"I don't get it. We heard explosions but the only damage here was done by us." Bee said.
Cyborg looked down at the pink floor beneath him.
"Maybe not all of it." Cyborg said. "There are very faint scorch marks on the floor over here, what about over there?" He asked.
Bee looked down into the dark floor. "Hard to say but I think there is some discoloring." She replied.
BeastBoy walked over and looked into the communicator. "Can you get a lock on them Cy?"
"I'm trying BB, but as far as I can tell they are lost."
BeastBoy felt his stomach sink. His best friend, team mate, girlfriend.... she was lost. She is his whole heart, his whole world, and now he had no idea what to do, because while she was physically lost, he lost himself mentally.
He closed his eyes and focused on his inner primate. He was sensing her. She was near. And he was right, she was near. Just south of Jump city,  Somewhere deep in the Hollywood Hills laid an abandoned hotel, and inside it? A scared Starfire and an unconscious Raven.

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