Chapter 14: Hey Rae

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"Hey Raven, it's me." BeastBoy knocked on the metal door to her room. He looked at his watch. The time said 6:00 pm, he had actually been waiting around the corner since 5:45 but didn't want to seem like he was trying to rush her. Cyborg told him to play it cool, Robin said to have patience, Starfire suggested a calm demeanor towards her, but he knew what she really wanted. She wanted someone who was real to her, not someone who acts perfect and changes later. He looked at his watch again.
6:01. He sighed.
*Maybe she changed her mind. He knew she was in there. He could hear her heart beat.* His ears drooped. Then shot back up. He heard foot steps coming towards the door. He backed up just in time for the metal door to slide open revealing a gem of a lady.
Raven was dressed in a black pull over hoodie and light wash jeans. She glanced at the changeling whose jaw had dropped and swung before her. He couldn't help it. She was drop dead gorgeous. She hardly wore make up and even now all she had on was a light layer of makeup on her eyebrows. Her hair was dangling around her shoulders, framing her face perfectly. He looked her up and down carefully, for he didn't want to miss a single detail. He stopped when he saw a shiny pendant hanging from her neck. She was wearing the necklace he gave her earlier.
Raven looked at him and jutted our her hip while crossing her arms.
"Close your mouth, you'll swallow a fly." She said with a smirk. BeastBoy quickly shook his head and came back to his senses. He rubbed his hand on the back of his neck and chuckled nervously.
"I'm sorry mama. I couldn't help it." He grinned childishly.
He was wearing black jeans and a purple dry fit shirt that hugged his body nicely. He had in grey Nike's that simultaneously matched Raven's black Micheal Kohrs sandals with silver straps.
"Are you ready ma lady?" He said as he bowed and offered her his hand.
She blushed as she took his hand.
" Ready as I'll ever be she replied."
The tower was quiet, for the most part. The sounds of their foot steps echoed the dark halls of their home. All was peaceful, until they came to the common room door.
"WHO ATE MY LAST SLICE OF PIZZA!" Cyborg screamed out in anger.
BeastBoy and Raven both looked at each other.
" I didn't do it, it was all meat and no tofu." BeastBoy said.
" I've been in my room getting ready, I didn't even know there was pizza left." Raven replied.
They began to hear dishes rattle in the sink until a scream louder than hyenas laughing rang out in the tower.
"ROOOOOOBINNNNN." Cyborg screeched. "I SAW YOUR PLATE IN THE SINK. I KNOW YOU ATE MY PIZZA. AND YOU DIDN'T EVEN BOTHER TO GET RID OF THE EVIDENCE?!" Cyborg bust through the common room doors completely oblivious to the young couple in front of him. He marched down the hall, steam coming out of his ears.
BeastBoy and Raven both looked at each other and nodded as they ran out of the tower before getting caught and made fun of by the tin man.
From there they strolled down the side walk until coming up to a local coffee shop/ bakery called The Brew and Bake. They sat for awhile and drank coffee while eating cupcakes.
"Why did you ask me out ?" Raven asked BeastBoy. He was busy scarfing down a cupcake when the question hit him like a truck going 70 in a school zone.
"To be honest, I don't know. I just feel like there's something about you Raven. Like I've known you in another life." BeastBoy said.
"You know past lives are a real thing." She replied "In theory it is possible."
"I wonder if we have met before." He smiled. "It just feels different when I'm with you. Like a feeling I've never experienced before."
Raven smiled back.
"Over the last few months we have gotten to know each other better. It took me awhile to see it and I even tried to deny it to myself for a long time but, I guess now. I just want to see where this will go if I stop hiding my feelings from you and the rest of the team." He continued. " I guess what I'm trying to say Raven is that, for along time I only wanted to make you happy because you always seemed so sad. I always had this desire to see you smile, and I never knew why, but now I do. I like you Raven, I like you a whole lot."
Raven blushed as she ate her cupcake piece by piece.
"I like you too... a whole lot." She replied as a smile crawled across her face.  Those months they had gotten closer had been laced with flirtatious movement and conversations. They would leave each other guessing what the other one was thinking and smirk as they slyly slipped in a hint or two. Now, after all that time of patiently waiting and leading each other on. They were on their first official date, as a real couple.
"So I guess this means I'm your girlfriend." Raven said while she stirred her drink slowly.
"Yea I guess it does." BeastBoy said as he gazed as the goddess sitting across the table.
They stayed at the coffee shop and talked until the barista had to kick them out for closing time. In fact, it was two hours passed closing time, the coffee shop closed at 10 and the time was now midnight. As the two walked home on the sidewalk of the barren street they began to realize how much they had in common with one another. Even though their attitudes and personalities were completely different it complimented them in away. Raven was the realness that kept BeastBoy fantasy driven mind from floating away into outer space, and BeastBoy was the remedy to Raven's dark woven mind. Whenever one needed something or someone the other was right by their side with the cure. This whole time, they were meant to be. They were made for each other, and they never knew. 
By the time they got back to the tower all the titans had already drifted off to sleep.  BeastBoy could tell because he heard their heart beats and Raven knew because she could feel their energies. They slowly crept their way through the tower, tip toeing passed each room until they came to Raven's.
"This is where we part ways, until the morning my dear." BeastBoy said. He grabbed her hand. "Sleep well and sweet dreams." He brought the back of her hand up to his lips and kissed it.
He smiled at her.
"Goodnight Gar." She blushed back, She turned around ready to walk into her room.
"Hey Rae." He said quickly
"Yes?" She answered back.
" I like it when you call me that." He smiled and walked away before disappearing into the darkness and around the corner. Raven walked into her room and began getting ready for bed. She threw on a navy blue sweat shirt and black spandex shorts. She walked out onto the balcony of her window, she had it added on a few weeks ago so she could study the stars at night with a telescope. She laid on the floor and stared up at the twinkling dust sprinkled across the night sky. She heard the conversation between her and BeastBoy replay in her head. As her eyes grew heavy and her body became weak the last words that played before she drifted to sleep. They echoed throughout the night sky, and all she heard that night was the soft voice of the man she was beginning to fall deeper in love with say, "Hey Rae."

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