Chapter 10: Danger

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"Starfire!" Cyborg yelled as he raced through the tower.
"Star where are you?" He ran to her room. The door was open and her stuff was scattered on the floor, like someone was looking for something in a hurry.
He heard a rustling in the closet. "Star?" He got closer. He bent down and moved a towel. "Silkie!" The little worm squirmed happily at the sight of its friend. Cyborg scooped him up.
"We have to find Starfire." Cyborg said as he started running towards the other titans rooms. "Starfire!" Cyborg kept calling out. "Where are you!"
He had run through all of the rooms until it dawned on him. "The roof!" He thought. "Starfire!" He yelled as he just down the door.
"No..." Cyborg gasped. Starfire was lying on the floor unconscious. A bottle of chemicals by her side and a rag next to her. He dress was torn up . Beneath the sparkly pink fabric he could see bruises on her hips and thighs, he began to think the worst. She had cuts on her wrist like she had been restrained by something, something digging into her skin. He lifted his fingers to take her pulse but then he noticed the worst part, she had two hand print bruises on her neck where someone had choked her. He grabbed her up and ran down the stairs as fast as he could. He didn't want who ever hurt her to come back. He practically flew down flights of stairs before coming to the garage. He ran to the back wall of he garage and pressed on a brick the wall. It was a pressure plate that released a hand print scanner.
He placed his hand on the scanner.
"Access granted." A robotic female voice said.
Two metal doors swooshed open. Just as he stepped in her heard he familiar sound of a motorcycle get louder and louder. Soon he heard the creaking of the garage door opening.  A motorcycle headlight came into the darkened garage.
"Robin, dude, what's going on." Cyborg said.
Cyborg stepped closer to him then stepped back.
He gasped.
"Hey Cyborg, what's up old pal." A vicious voice replied.
It was Steel. His smile was disformed and his eyes were pure black, it looked like him but it wasn't him.
"Gimme my girl and we can have fun with her together." Steel laughed out like a psychopath.
" Do not come closer." Cyborg locked and loaded his sonic cannon.
"You forgot, I can train metal." Steel smirked.
Steel lifted his hands as Cyborg began to scream. Two hand prints were denting his cannons exterior. Silkie was trembling in fear behind him, cyborg had placed him down earlier to open the door to the room.
"AHHH" Cyborg screeched as he let out one shot in Steel's way.  It hit him directly in his chest and sent him flying out of the garage. Cyborg grabbed Silkie with his injured arm and ran inside the door. He watched as it shut behind him so nothing would follow him in. From there he ran down a dark hall lit by dim lights into the safe room that was made for Raven. He placed Silkie down with a drugged and unconscious Starfire in his arms. From there he ran up to the observation box above the room with protection symbols surrounding it. He logged into the titans computer activating the lockdown sequence.
"Nothing is getting in or out, not until I say otherwise." He said as he heard metal doors slam down on every window and door in the tower. He looked up at Starfire, she was still out cold, Silkie had begun to like her wrist where the cuts were. He was whimpering over her life less body.
"Time to alert the others." Cyborg said.
He logged onto the signal sender and sent out a distress call with the message *one titan down, critical, intruder alert Steel.*
Robin saw this pop up on his motorcycle screen, he immediately called Cyborg on the communicator.
As soon as Cyborg saw the incoming call he knew he would have to tell Robin what had just happened. He knew Robin would kill Steel.
"Cyborg report." Robin said as Cyborg picked up the communicator
"It's not good man, Steel did something to her. Then he came back to try to finish her and me off. If you see him, hide. We don't need a fight right now. We need everyone here." Cyborg said.
"What do you mean he did something to her." Robin said raising one eyebrow.
Cyborg fell silent.
"Cy!" Robin yelled
"How far out are you?" Cyborg said. "I'm pulling up to the garage, can you grant me access?" Robin replied
Cyborg hung up.
As he approached the garage door he looked around cautiously.
Cyborg watched from the other end through the security camera on the side of the tower. He pressed a button on an intercom.
"Are you alone." Cyborg said
"I think so." Robin replied
Cyborg sighed as he took his finger off the intercom button. "T-minus five minutes until Robin attempts murder." He said as he granted access to release the lock down.
Robin heard the metal doors slide up. He drove in. Cyborg watched through the cameras to make sure no one snuck in with him. As soon as the R-cycles back wheel was in the garage he began lockdown once again.
Robin was met with the sight of a slick black motorcycle similar  to his but a more jagged body design. It was Steels.
Robin walked over the brick pressure plate, put his hand print in and followed the path down to meet Cyborg and Starfire. He walked into the control room.
"What happened?" Robin asked Cyborg.
Cyborg just stared down at Starfires body in the spotlight of the room. Robin saw what he was looking at and immediately ran down to Star's side. He knelt down and examined her body. He saw everything Cyborg did. He clenched his jaw when he saw the fingerprints that were on her hips. He felt a tear run down when he saw he hand prints on her neck. He ran his hands across her body and felt her tremble as they touched her thighs.
"Star it's okay. I'm here."
Robin said softly
"Robin..." she murmured, before falling back into a drug induced sleep.
Robin looked up and locked eyes with Cyborg. Even through his mask Cyborg  could feel the anger that was being released through Robins gaze.
"I'm going to kill him." Robin said cold-heartedly.
There was not a single ounce of any emotion other than anger in Robins voice. Cyborg stared back at Robin. He didn't say anything, he just nodded slowly. He knew there was no way to stop Robin, he really didn't want too either. Steel had messed with the wrong family, if Robin didn't kill him. Cyborg would.

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