Chapter nineteen.

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David and I had a better connection between each other, and even though it was not the same nor will it ever be, I replaced blood with paint. David was watching me closely, fearful of what was to come. But in a way I felt better. Soon after though there was another change. It came to me while I was underground in the subway systems, stalking potential prey that took to the railway late at night. I observed the stragglers from my place in the shadows. A few washed up men and men in suits, an elderly woman carrying a worn purse. A child, alone with a backpack strapped to her. Easy targets. But there was something holding me back. I sat still from my place on the bench, where my eyes caught a sudden movement at the opposite end. A figure stalked towards the group like a lone lion. His movements were fluid like, persistent and determined. 

I knew him, but I did not acknowledge his presence. At first there was only the murmuring of the crowd, voices drifting off and mingling. I could pick up a few words, but none of the acknowledged my brother. He was after a specific target, but he also indulged along the way. There was a split second of silence, before the first scream rang out. The humans scattered as Demidicus had already chosen his meal. Even tho I became a monster, I did not want witness his act. In my mind, I was certain on who he picked. But much to my surprise I heard the painful groan of an older man as his blood pulled around Demidicus’s expensive dress shoes. The child was spared, much to my surprise. She was frozen in place with her gaze indifferent, as if she knew the vampire before her. The man crumpled to the ground while his killer pulled out a silk handkerchief and wiped the blood clean from his face. A manicured hand was placed upon the child's shoulder.

"Evie, honey, I remember distinctly telling you to go straight home. You know the consequences."

I was surprised at his statement. Suddenly I had the urge to take her, to get her as far away from Demidicus as possible. She sighed before he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and turned to face where I was now standing. Our eyes met, and it sent shivers down my spine. "fancy meeting your uncle here." 

He spoke to her as his hand motioned for me to come out of the shadows. He was not my brother, despite our blood ties. I was in danger of course, but what little morality I had left told me to stay. I came forth as Demidicus gave a cheshire grin."Sangue, what a pleasant surprise to meet you in New York City! I thought the council was searching for you, you’re the most wanted vampire in Europe currently.” 

His words meant nothing to me, not even the news he shared. For all I knew he could have been lying. But my immortality was diminished, and I had burned too many bridges. But I more so concerned about the child under his care. She had an uncomfortable look across her face, and appeared to be afraid of Demidicus when he spoke. Something was wrong and I had to do something before it was too late. Our eyes met briefly before I took a few steps towards zDemidicus and grasped his hand to shake. He beamed down at me as if I was an old friend.

“I was dreading that the council have already caught you, that I wouldn’t be able to make amends before they execute you. I want our family happy, afterall.”

Our family...he was not family, not after what he did to my daughter. But I swallowed my pride then and there. 

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