Chapter sixteen.

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There were voices, soft voices that spoke over us. Figures surrounded the bed, some with familiar faces and a tall, looming figure who stood with his hands laced together. I protectively curled around Carol in a fetal position, before growling softly, warning them that I was awake and alert to their presence. The voices stopped, the room falling into silence. She was still asleep and looked peaceful, I couldn't help but smile down at her before suddenly grimacing at the pain within my throat. The tall figure placed a hand on my shoulder as if to reassure that we were safe. I calmed and attempted to sit up as she was still sleeping, undisturbed without movement nor even a twitch. 

I hissed when a sharp pain exploded down my throat. I could feel something trickle, something pop. Victor climbed into bed and supported me up as I was against his torso. An elderly hand caressed my face, David's hand. Victor squeezed my hand when I tried to move, a warning not to strain myself. But I wanted to wrap my arms around David and sob. He leaned forth instead and suddenly held me close as blood trailed down our cheeks. We had our moment together, the world disappearing as it was just the two of us. "You....I watched you die before me but yet you came back to me." 

I mustered out as David pressed his lips against my forehead. "I have a lot to tell you, Sangue, but currently we have a bigger issue to discuss." 

With that said, we returned back to the world. I suddenly had a sense of dread as Victor laced his arms around David and I. He began to speak, and as he spoke, I could hear the seriousness within his own voice. 

"I know where to find you when you haven't returned with the others towards early dawn. I was hoping that the rescue would have taken place when we were all prepared, but I have not yet told you of my recent findings concerning Giovanni and your brother." 

I listened, stunned at first by his words but then curious to what had meant. Giovanni was dead, I killed him. But what he said next would change my revelations concerning my early life as a vampire. 

"Giovanni had used his eldest to lure you here, to Paris. Demedicus is your brother by blood, and one of the most insane vampires known in France. From what I have gathered over these past few weeks, Demedicus had kidnapped Carol and starved her so you would be lured and fall within his trap. But what he failed to realize was that our coven found you first. Otherwise, if he would have caught you then Giovanni would have had you executed by the council as an act of revenge. How do I know?" 

He asked while stroking my hair with his long, sharp nails. His face looked as if he was grieving over a loss. Even as an elder, he looked older beyond his years. David squeezed my hand gently. Our eyes met as his cheeks were stained red. 

"I saw it within the grand council itself. There is a whole conspiracy, and only I know the truth outside of it for I'm apart of it. When you had first arrived, I did not know of whom they spoke of. But now I do, and now I can see how corrupt our grand council is." 

Carol had awakened while he spoke. She listened while groggily yawning. I could feel her head rest against my stomach as her little fingers curled within my clothing. I was in disbelief at first, but David was alive also. That in itself was enough to cause my head to spin. Victor took in another raspy breath to speak, but then David pressed a finger to his lips to silence him. "Let us continue this later, these two need their rest and feed." 

Victor reluctantly agreed, easing me down once more upon the pillows as I was propped up. Carol and I stayed with Victor for the time being, hidden below from those whom hunted us for their own gain and from the council whom seeked to destroy me. I was recovering from Carol's bite, while she herself recovered from the abuse inflicted upon her by Demodocus. I will always remain enraged and unforgiving to what he had done to her. She was silent, mute almost except for a few words to either address me or ask for what she needed. It pained me inside to see her this way, and I had made so many attempts to get her to at the very least smile. But she remained numb to the outside world, and this was all my fault. I should have taken better care of her, I should have watched her closely…

I cannot get into this any further without completely stopping and mourning over her own pain. 

David cared for us, despite myself assuring him that I would be fine. But little did I know how wrong I was. I spent most of my time alone, keeping distance from everybody while trying to find my way back to the light. The light, such a cruel word for a vampire. Victor made his attempts at reaching to me and deep within. But little did it work. I was all but a depressed vampire who had no hope left. One night, after almost months of solitude and contemplating my own demise, I went to the altar room where it was empty and silent. The pentagram hung above as candle light illuminated it. Crystals shone on the steps and table, along with incense burners still lit. I stepped over a few offerings made by the residences and knelt upon the steps. 

I wanted, no, I needed to know how these vampires found their inner strength through this one deity. Hell knew that I needed it at the time. At first there was nothing, only the sound of silence accompanied the room with me. But then I felt a hand on my back, before it travelled up and squeezed my shoulder. Instead of looking to see who was behind me, I relaxed and leaned back into the stranger. A pair of arms caught me, muscled in appearance and strong. But they were ever so gentle as they held me to the figure. My head rested against white silk as there was a gentle glow. I looked up to see a chiseled face look down at me with a warm, dare I say loving smile. He was beautiful, more beautiful than any man or woman that I have encountered upon this Earth.

He had brilliant blue eyes, while his hair was golden and cascaded before resting upon his shoulders and down his back. In a way I could sense who he was, and why my new found brethren chose to follow him. When I first met him, and answered the call, he did not speak. Nor did he need to, for I felt his honourable aura. He placed a hand upon my chest, and I could feel my long, dead heart beat for a moment with new found strength that I had never found before. I suddenly felt a new purpose. I wanted to thank him, but this brilliant moment was soon lost when David stepped into the room. He gave one last warm smile before disappearing. 

I sat alone in the darkness once more, with the candles long burnt out. I do not know how long time had passed, but by the look on David's face, it had been awhile. 

He had a look of concern as he helped me up and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "It is the afternoon, what are you doing up this late?" He asked me before we ventured down the hallway, away from the room and the experience I had. I wanted to tell, but knew I couldn't. Would David have believed me? Or would he have called me insane... I did not know nor did I want to find out at that very moment. 

David opened up his old coffin, and we both slumbered within until nightfall. 

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