Chapter six.

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I did not see David when I awakened, nor could I find him as I ventured throughout the building. I was also on the hunt, the hunger turning worse with each hour. It was foolish of myself to have withheld it for far longer than what was necessary. Finally, I made it outside, onto cobblestone streets with its putrid smells invading my senses. My ears twitched upon hearing the high pitched sound of a violin play, its melody inviting as I began to follow it. There were the humans of the night within the streets, scattered throughout as they were oblivious to what stalked through their domain. I could see them, other vampires in New Orleans. They were easy to sense, for we all almost smell the same. Imagine the musty smell of your basement, mixed with roses, and the scent of blood. That's what a vampire smells like. And to me, it is quite unpleasant. 

As I grew closer to the source of music, I suddenly stopped. There I spotted him, sitting beneath an awning as he was at a small table. Surrounded by women, presumably prostitutes. He took a sip from a wine glass as his eyes met mine. Giovanni. I can remember fear engulfing myself as my eyes locked upon his horribly scarred face. His silken dark hair now almost gnarled as he gave me a sadistic grin. Giovanni tsked as he shook a bony finger towards my direction, his jagged teeth showing. But as I stepped back, Giovanni was no longer there. In his place was an older man who was drunk and laughing. He did not even notice me as I began to edge away and disappear once more into darkness. 

It was the beginning of the many flashbacks of Giovanni, now known as PTSD. I made my way towards the pier to where I first stepped foot onto American soil and had met David. And there he was, playing his violin as mortals passed by. Some stop to pass by and toss a few coins into his upside down hat. But I knew the real reason why David was there. I grabbed his shoulder as he suddenly startled and nearly dropped his instrument. He turned to face me while raising a brow and pursing his lips. "My boy, what are you doing here? Are you not suppose to sup yourself before it's too late?" 

David hissed as I was clearly shivering. I nodded my head but raised my hand to stop him as he was about to speak again. "I saw him, I saw him, David. I have seen Giovanni, and he's very much alive." I couldn't help but wring my hands together as I spoke, nearly panicking as David ushered me off the pier and walked me towards an inn. We both sat at a rough wooden table as he suddenly grasped my face with both hands and stared into my eyes. "Where was he? Where did you see the bastard?" 

He asked in a harsh, but serious tone. I couldn't help but close my eyes as I was in tears. "At one of the fancier bars of the city, with prostitutes, but David....when I was to make my escape he disappeared and there sat an old man in his place. What does this mean? What could this mean? He's out to drive me mad!" I suddenly burst out into tears as patrons drawn their attention to us. David cursed himself as he tried to give a reassuring smile to them. But his smile turned sour as he faced me and gripped my shoulders. "I do not sense Giovanni, Sangue, he is not here. I would feel him in my veins just like how I feel you."

I suddenly was confused, I knew that I saw him. But then David proceeded to explain to me how my nightmares could manifest into reality. He went through it. And it was something that you had to learn to live with, or else otherwise it would drive you insane. Later that night we both went on the hunt for blood and filled both of our bellies as we could feel the blood sloshing around within. Content with myself, I allowed David to lead me throughout New Orleans, showing I the wonders of the city. As a vampire then I never truly took the time to appreciate the night's beauty nor wonders for myself. For I have always been in my home, shying away until the next time I needed to feed. Then David showed me something wonderful, the gift of flight. 

Now I only knew that I could levitate, but flying? That was out of the question.

 Something I thought that only the oldest of vampires could do. But David took both of my hands and told me to think, to think like a bird that's about to take off. At first, it was tricky, for I felt foolish as imagined myself with a pair of wings and taking off like a dove. But suddenly I realized that my feet weren't touching the ground and that David and I were beginning to float up and up until he gripped both of my hands and gave me a joyous smile. "Come on Sangue, come to fly away with me!" 

With that said we both took off into the star-filled night, the wind going against us both as I could feel it play through my hair. Our coats billowed behind us as our top hats fell from our heads and down to the streets below us. But David only laughed as he embraced me, his arms securely around my torso as we began to twirl within the air. I had never had this much fun in years, nor have I ever felt so close to anyone since Giovanni bit me.

 The David let go as he dived below and spread out his arms, beckoning me to follow with his eyes pleading. I obliged as I laughed out loud and burst into a joyous shout. A few minutes later we were back to the building where my own apartment was within. I never wanted this moment to end, but the sun was rising once again as we both hurried. Now there was no time left, and David was already tired. So we both fell onto my bed and curled within the sheets and blankets. 

Thankfully the curtains were closed, or else we would have both turned to ash! That night is my only fond memory and when I truly felt happiness. 

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