Chapter seventeen.

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The forties soon turned to the fifties, then fifties turned to eighties. I have seen how the humans changed, how our world has evolved with the old ways being forgotten and new technology being invented. I had spent many years within Paris, raising Carol while in union with both Jezebel and Victor. Those days were the happiest of my life. Even though I was turned while young, my face began to age. There were a few wrinkles, greying hair strands that I did not care to hide. Vampires do indeed age in appearance, but not how humans do. A silver fox of a vampire was either turned in his old age, or is over a thousand years old. Victor himself was an ancient. 

Once Carol grew up and was on her own, I decided to leave the catacombs and live above ground. David followed, despite his weakening and disease that made him dormant. I decided that it was best for us to leave Paris in search of new prey, which my spouses understood and supported. I would return, but not for a few years. David and I boarded a flight to New York city, with the knowledge of it being filled to the brim with humans. No one notice a few missing with its crime rates. To pluck a few would be nothing compared to the constant crimes. 

Our town house was nestled within the upper class part New York. We portray ourselves as father and son, with the son taking care of his aging, sick father whom could not care for himself. But alas, I was truly David's caretaker despite our rouge. He was falling apart inside, and I wasn't sure how long he had to live. But it did help when we had gained friends whom saw us as innocent foreigners, good hearted in nature and could do no wrong. Oh how wrong they were. Unsurprisingly we attracted humans to us, with the allure that our kind give despite most not wanting it. That is how we gained our prey despite the inconvenience. 

We had sustained ourselves financially with the centuries of savings we had. Life was good for being a couple of vampires in America. But alas, all good things must come to an end. I had not foreseen it due to my rose tinted glasses, but I wish I had taken them off during that brief moment of happiness to brace myself for what was soon to come. 

David was sick, there was no question within my mind. Especially with the evidence trailing behind him. His pores would seep blood, stagnant as it seemed septic with its foul smell. I would have to bathe him every few hours, and prepare meals he could hold down. I admit that it wrenched my soul to watch him suffer. But what I did not realize was that David, was becoming what the humans called a zombie. A zombie is a sick vampire to put it lightly, where the body is still in death and decaying slowly. It is a disease brought on through the transfer of infected blood. The human equivalent of aids. David suspected that I was oblivious to what he had, and embarrassed of himself. There were nights where he wouldn’t let me touch him, and he would sit in his own filth. I couldn’t bear to lose him again, I was in full denial. 

On a crisp, fall day I was asleep within our den. The thick curtains were shut to keep the light out. I was in a dead slumber, but my ears picked up the faint sound of footsteps above. There was soft shuffling as a pair of elderly hands opened up a window. Thump, thump, hiss. It was in pain, and turned into a cry of agony. Then suddenly I could hear a gentle whoosh as clothing fluttered in the breeze. Inside myself I was screaming, grieving for the connection that was lost. I couldn’t awaken to save him, when a vampire falls asleep in the day we cannot awaken until evening. Science would say it's to protect us, but I know it's apart of the curse. I couldn't save him. But suddenly I felt our connection once more as a pair of feet shuffled into the room. I suddenly felt myself drenched in sweat. David softly stroked my hair as I was coming out of a nightmare I could not awaken from. I felt him ease himself onto the couch and lay beside me with his arms wrapped around myself.

Somehow, he realized that I knew the truth. I could sense him feeling shame. But I was relieved to have David close to me. We laid together for the rest of daylight, and throughout the following dusk. When I finally awoke I met his dull eyes. He was covered in blood once more, dried and stained on his clothing and skin. David protested, but I lifted him upon rising and took him to the bathroom to be bathed. It was then I realized that I was caring for David like he did with me while I was under his wing. 

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