Chapter twenty-five.

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I will always remember the summer of 1988, that is when I decided to transform my life for the better. Or at least, what I thought was morally just. The scum of society became my source of substance, for example, I would blend into the nightlife and ease information from its creatures and pinpoint my next target. From city to city, I was a mere phantom that vanished within the hours of daylight. With the only remenent of my past being myself and my memories, there was nothing to tie me down, so it made perfect sense to dwell inside an old church's basement located inside New York city. I traded my beloved New Orleans for this dirty city, but at least I had the promise of my next meal. 

The stench of cigarette and marijuana were strong to my senses as I haunted one of the many underground clubs, where I knew I would have a higher chance of meeting my prey. My appearance was that of an average man, save for the horrible scars that were against my neck. I would garner no special attention, and be only a part of the background. I watched him come close to you as you were alone, a drink in hand and too young to be with the night creatures. Something about you reminded me of my own child, and that is why I got in between when he came too close. 

Our eyes locked, with my senses burning from the alcohol drenched human. "Isn't she a bit too young for you, buddy?" 

He smirked before attempting to push past me. But I stood frozen like a statue, and I might as well have weighed as much as one. The girl  behind me watched, her eyes bright and alert of the situation. "How about you step away before I'm forced to do something, other than just standing here to block a pervert." I smirked, giving out a death glare that most of my victims receive before their fate. He muttered a few incoherent words, before turning away. He was mentally placed on my list.

I turned to face the girl behind me and she was still there, a cigarette hanging on her lip. Everybody smoked those things back in the decade. I made a motion for her to get up and follow, but I forgot that we were both total strangers to one another. "Th-thanks, but I'm good." 

She muttered out before standing, turning to walk away when my hand fell on her shoulder and gripped it gently, but firmly. "I'm taking you out of here." 

I wasn't sure what I was getting myself into, but she reminded me too much of my own children who I had failed. I could hear Ozzy's voice screaming around us as we made our way out of the club and into the busy streets, rain falling hard as she was motionless, despite her eyes telling me otherwise. It was the effect of a vampire casting their "spell" onto you, an essential ability that made it easier on us to feed. 

I admit to kidnapping her, forcing her to sit down in the front seat of my car and taking her to my residence within the church. The paternal side of myself needed to make sure that she was returned home safely…but I was also lonely. I knew that my spell would soon ware off, and that she was likely to run. I placed her dazed self onto the couch as I looked through her wallet, anything that would contain her address. I could only find twenty dollars and a fake ID, great. 

I couldn't think of what to do until she returned from her induced haze. But for now, I wrapped her in a blanket and laid her down upon the couch, watching her young form breathing. I perched on a rafter, crouching as I stared down and watched her sleep. My eyes grew heavy with the sun soon to rise, and in my stupor, I closed my eyes and soon found myself in the realm of unconsciousness, protected from the sun by the windows covered by black wallpaper placed over them. 

I awoken to my own lamp bashing against my skull. In my drowsy haze, I crashed to the floor. The sound of sickly cracking could be heard as it echoed throughout the church, a wave of pain washing over me with my broken bones from the impact. Due to my disease I was weaker, but that didn't mean I couldn't heal at a faster pace. With a sick pop I lifted myself, the girl staring at me with frightened eyes and what appeared to be a rod clutched close to her chest. I then realized what happened, and sighed deeply as I stood with my bones slowly but surely popping back into place and healing themselves. 

"Who the hell are you and where am I? What the fuck happened? Explain!"

She pointed the rod towards me as I raised both of my hands. "Well, I would explain to you dear if I wasn't in such horrible pain." 

I grimaced before feeling the deep ache within myself subside. I took a deep breath, before the cold steal of the rod bit into my throat. This kid had a sense of power, one that I did not see until now. "Well, answer." She hissed. 

"Simple really, I saw a child somewhere she did not belong, and about to be taken by a pervert."

The rod still remained in place, but her expression softened but her stance was still tense. "But what are you? People don't sleep on rafters and do whatever the fuck you did to me to bring me here, unless you put a roofie in my drink." 

I sighed, and grabbed the rod. There was a looked of fear in her eyes as she made the motion to swing it out of my grasp, but my grip was cemented in place. Suddenly, I crushed my end of the rod and crumpled it as if it was made from tin foil. Her eyes widened, her grip being lost as I tossed the rest of it to the side. "I'm not human, to answer your question for now. Now, where do you live, child?" 

I asked as she shrunk back in fear. For a brief moment I have forgotten that she was still human, still afraid, still a child. She again made an effort to attack with a knife hidden in her clothing. The pain was sharp as it sunk into my flesh.

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