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We drove to the nearest bar and walked in. We got our own table and sat down. The waitress walked over and grabbed us two beers. While me and Sam where talking and laughing Cas and Dean found us and walked over hand in hand. They sat down happy and smiling.

"Please tell me you did a short fuck session before you came." I said happy for them.

"Like hell we wouldn't." Dean said cocky. Cas blushes immensely and smiled shyly. I laughed at the two. I can definitely tell deans the dom. The waitress walked over to our table once again seeing two more people have appeared.

"Would you boys like anything to drink?" She asked nicely.

"Just two beers." Dean said. She nodded and smiled. She walked away with their orders and came back shortly after.

"This music sucks anyone got change so I can change it?" I asked. Dean shook his head no and Sam pulled out his wallet.

"Here. This should be enough." He said handing me three quarters.

"Thank you baby!" I said kissing the top of his head. I walked off to the jukebox and looked through the music. I saw that they had a classic that I knew Dean would like. "Eye of the Tiger"from Survivor. I hit play and walked back over to the table to see dean and Cas gone and Sammy talking to a bar whore.

"Is there a problem?" I asked Sam more than this bitch.

"Oh there's no problem at all. Just wanted to talk to this cutie." She said with a smile. He laughed nervously and looked at me. I was mad and he knew it. But I looked completely calm and unbothered.

"He has a girlfriend." I said sweetly knowing damn well I'm going to rip out her weave.

"I don't see her." She said with a smirk. I could tell sam was now nervous.

"Really? You can't see her. You must not only be a slut but blind no wonder you sleep with the trashiest guys around." I said still sweetly.

"What did you say?" She asked now very angry.

"Did I stutter?" I asked again. Sam knew damn well to not interfere.

"How dare you talk to me like that! I could take away your relationship within seconds bitch don't try me!" She said with an attitude.

"I'd like to see you try." I said confidently knowing Sam is faithful. She didn't do anything. "No come on you can't talk shit and flake out. I'd like to see you try." I said.

"I'm not going to because I don't want to not because I can't." She said rolling her eyes.

"Oh that's too bad because now I get to beat your ass." I said rolling up my sleeves.

"Bitch no you won't." She said.

"Try me whore." I said now not so sweet. She scoffed at me and rolled her eyes.

"How about we not and have her walk away?" Sam suggested trying to calm me down.

"Sammy. Please let me claim what's mine and get rid of this waste of space." I said sweetly. He sighed and nodded. She now looked scared.

"You can't do shit!" She said.

"Well if you call beating your ass shit then yes I can." I said with a smirk. I calmly walked over to her as she backed up. "What now your scared?" I asked.

"What no! I'm not scared I could beat you ass!" She said still backing away. I grabbed her arm, and threw her into a wall. She looked stunned like I wouldn't actually do it. She stood up and went for my hair. I took her arm and twisted it back to her shoulder blades and forced her to the floor.

One Lucky Fan (Sam Winchester X Reader) (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now