Oh Bobby

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Driving down the road at about 75mph, I was sitting there listening to the radio when I heard my phone ringing. I picked up my phone from the cup holder and saw the contact. It was Bobby.

"Hello." I said looking at the road.

"Hey, (y/n) you've been up from hell for awhile and never called me. I'm just about your uncle." He said with a small chuckle.

"If the Winchester's are telling you that you have to tell me to come back, then forget it. Right about now deans in my shit list." India's with a sigh.

"You caught me. Why can't we just talk about it. Tell me what's wrong." He said. I pulled the car over and turned it off.

"I've been through hell and back. Literally. So I'm pretty sure you can except the fact I'm different and have issues that I want to deal with myself. Look I'm not trying to be a bitch but I'm beyond every emotion out there. And even if I wanted to tell you I have no idea where to start." I said truthfully.

"That's fair, how about you come over here to my place and calm down. Take a breath and relax." He suggested. I smiled at his care for me. He always was the other uncle.

"Fine I'll be there soon enough. Bobby your lucky I love you. But I swear to god if this is a trap to make me talk to the two shit heads so help me I'll put you back in that wheelchair." I said not joking.

"It's not, and I bet you would. See you soon be safe." He said hanging up the phone. I started up the car and headed over to Bobby's house.

As I pulled up the long driveway I noticed the Impala in the driveway as well. I can't leave now I had already promised him I'd be here. I parked my car, got Velvet out of the backseat and grabbed my bags. I folded her bed and told her to hold it as we walked to the door. I knocked on it and stepped back. Bobby opened the door and smiled at me.

"Velvet inside." I said letting go of her leash. She walked in and set down her bed and laid on it. I dropped my bags and held Bobby tight. "I'm sorry for not calling sooner Bobby." I said as we let go.

"It's all right girl." He said with a smile.

"Your okay with Velvet right? I swear she won't mess anything up unless something comes and attacks us." I said a bit worried.

"Oh no I love dogs! It's fine." He said letting me in. I pulled out her food bowl and her dog food and place both in the kitchen. I filled up her bowl and she ate happily.

"Where are they?" I asked.

"Basement." He said. "Are you going to go and apologize?" He asked.

"No. Dean deserved it. I slapped him hard enough to know I don't fuck around anymore." I said. Bobby nodded and watched Velvet eat. I sat on the couch Velvet in between me and Bobby as both of us pampered her on the couch. Dean walked into the kitchen and grabbed a beer, when he turned around he saw the three of us on the couch. He put down the beer and walked over to us.

"Hey, (y/n) I'm sorry for yelling at you. I'm sorry for accusing you for leaving us. I'm sorry I got in your face... over all I'm just sorry. And they way we met this morning wasn't the best. So really I'm sorry." He said ashamed of himself with the red ass hand print on his right cheek where I had slapped him.

"I'm still mad at you, but I'll let this one slide for now." I said not looking at him. "Your still on my shit list." I said.

"Right... I guess it's gonna take more than an apology to get off of it. I'll make it up to you." He said with a small smile. "Just don't slap me again that hurt like a bitch, it's still stinging." He said one last time before grabbing his beer and walking into the basement. Soon after Sam trots up the stairs and found me with is eyes. He smiled widely and walked over to me. He held out his arms for a hug. I smiled lightly and hugged him.

"It's been awhile hasn't it." I said as he stood examining my face. It had a few small scars on it from the torture. You should see my actual body. I smiled up at him.

"I think I'd like that batch of snickerdoodles right about now." He said so happy I was alive. I laughed a little and walked into the kitchen and started to make them. Dean emerged from the basement when he smelt the cookies in the oven. Sam sat at the table watching me wash the dishes I had dirtied from baking. Velvet still on the couch as Bobby sat their with her calmly. When the cookies were done, I pulled them out of the oven and set them on the stove top to cool. I had left the bowl of extra dough on the counter.

"Who wants the extra dough?" I asked the three boys. Dean raised his hand in the air as fast as the last word came out of my mouth. I smiled lightly and handed him the bowl and spoon. It was nice to have the company, to see the boys argue and mess around. To see Bobby again. This was nice. Once the cookies were done, I put them in a gallon sized ziplock bag and put Sam's name on it and handed it to him. He smiled like a little kid and hugged them to his chest and trotted into the living room away from dean who would try and steal a few from him. I laughed at the foolishness of the two. Sam holding the bag of cookies in the air away from dean who couldn't really reach. They weren't that bad. But they would have to gain my undivided trust once again. Who knows what is out there. After you go to hell and come back everything is different.

One Lucky Fan (Sam Winchester X Reader) (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now