Not So Friendly Bestie

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You know I really only thought hell was one big place that was open and everything was the same. But I have now realized that hell is way more complicated than that. There is a place for the murderers, a place for the rapists, a place for the corrupt government and religious people. And then there are places for the hunters, where all the demons you exorcised came back and made your after life in hell, hell. And finally the corridors of places the bad things are kept like the cage or the hellhounds. Crowley really is keeping the place nice and new, really spicing it up.

I sat back down at the table as the boys dispersed into separate rooms to continue to do what they were. While I sat at the table, I found my old not so friendly bestie. Or that's what he called himself. I knew for a fact that there was no possible way that I was still stuck in the cage with Lucifer, but there he was standing in the doorway of the kitchen.

"Howdy partner, hows Sam by the way his line seems to be busy?" Lucy asked.

"Not that bad, hows life in the cage?" I asked looking at him.

"You are a lot more enjoyable than Sam, you know that right. You actually talk to me and look at me." He said a crooked smile tugging at his lips.

"Oh really, I am? Don't tell him that he might get jealous." I said rolling my eyes. Yes my coconut was cracked a little but I'm managing.

"The cage is alright, it was fun with you in there with me, but it's alright I can deal." He said shrugging his shoulders.

I chuckled a little. "Oh really, I bet it was." I said still looking at him.

"Who are you talking to?" Dean asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"Only my best friend." I said in fake excitement.

"And that would be?" He asked now skeptical.

"Don't freak out when I tell you this but my coconut is a little cracked." I said chuckling a little bit at how crazy I sound.

"What does that mean exactly?" He asked now leaning on the counter.

"Lucifer is standing in the doorway of the kitchen trying to tell me to off you this very second. Oh wait location has changed he's standing to your right about three inches away from you." I said smiling like a lunatic. Dean glanced next to him and moved. I laughed a little at both of their reactions. Dean is now hyper aware of my situation and called in the other men. Both of them came in and Lucifer got super happy when Sam walked in.

"Oh Sammy how's it been I haven't talked to you in awhile?" Lucifer asked. I could tell Sam glances at him. Wait what Sam glanced at Lucifer exactly where he's standing like he heard him! That is crazy. "Come on sammy! You can't do this to me,to (y/n) she can see me too! She's in the same line!" Lucifer said pushing Sam's buttons.

"Shut up!" Sam said quite loudly.

"You can see and hear him too!" I said standing up pointing to Lucifer.

"What?" All three real men asked.

"Sam can see and hear Lucifer too." I said a bit more quietly. "He just yelled at Lucy! Lucy is being an asshat to Sam, not me, but still pressed Sam's buttons." I said looking at him. He stared in awe, to me and to Lucifer, back and forth.

"Care to explain?" Bobby said only catching a part of the conversation.

"Turns out, (y/n) can see and hear Lucifer in her eyes like Sam can. A figment of their imagination. But they share it somehow." Dean finished glancing at the two wackos in the room.

"So both of their grapefruits are squished." Bobby said looking over the two of us.

"Our coconuts are a little cracked but we're managing right, Sammy?" I said nudging him a little.

"Yah right." He said still in shock. "Are you sure he's no a dick to you?" Sam asked me.

"No, he says he likes me better than you. Turns out I actually talk to him and look at him." I said still watching Lucifer prance around dean silently laughing my ass off. "Dean behind you!" I fake gasped as Lucifer stabbed a kitchen knife into deans skull. Sam winced at the sudden action as I fake yawned.

"Wow your hard to get to, (y/n)! How do I do it? Make you fear me?" He asked disappointed.

"I have no idea, maybe it's because your not fucking real!" I yelled at him. Both Bobby and dean stared at me like I was on the ward.

"Are you sure about that though? Am I real? Or am I fake." He said pulling the knife out of deans head and wiping it on his back. "If I pulled out the chains and hooks, how would you react?" He asked as he made them fall from the ceiling.

"Oh,kinky. Sorry Lucy can't take the offer that's only on Friday from 10-2." I said sarcastically unfazed.

"Would you stop talking to the devil and listen to us?" Dean asked loudly. Everyone looked at him even Lucifer and shit up.

"Oh now I'm interested!" He said leaning back on the wall. I rolled my eyes and listened to dean.

"You are to now not talk or interact with the fucking devil! He is not real and only wants the attention." Dean said. I knew he wasn't real, it's not that hard to figure out what is what.

"Well that's a real bummer... I guess I'll go for now." Lucifer said before leaving.

One Lucky Fan (Sam Winchester X Reader) (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now