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"Where are you going" dean asked.

"Bathroom" I said as an excuse to get away from the conversation. It hurt me to say it out loud, to confirm my thoughts to the outside world. Dean was so curious, I can't blame him for it, but it hurts like bloody hell to say it. I know she doesn't like me like that. I'm her non-blood brother. I am the person the new boyfriend is scared of to her. That's all I am. I've been friend zoned. And it hurts like hell.

Her personality is just as good as she looks. Her smile is heartwarming. Her eyes so beautiful. How she cares, the way she's nice to everyone. She's given her heart and soul to everyone she's met. She's perfect, and I can't have it. I don't know how to tell her. I try, I really do. Like in the diner, I didn't lie. I've never lied to her. And I never will. I flushed the toilet washed my hands and walked out. I sat in the living room to see a BLT on the table for me and (y/n). I got up and sat down next to Dean and started to eat.

"Is it good?" Dean asked looking at me.

"Why did you poison it?" I asked looking over the sandwich.

"No I didn't poison it, dipshit." Dean said with a sigh.

I laughed. "Yes it's good, thank you." I said taking another bite.

"Good afternoon (y/n), you nap okay?" Dean asked looking up from his BLT.

"Yah I slept ok. You made me one? Thanks!" She said and sat down right next to me where it was seated. I swear dean did that on purpose. "This is really good, why are you being so nice, are you going to kill us?" She asked looking at dean.

"No I'm not going to kill you. If I wanted too, I would've done so already." He stated. I laughed at their comments to each other, and continued to eat. It's nice to see dean acting towards others like he does to me.

"You feeling okay?" I asked.

"Yah, I guess as okay as you can get when your dad dies." She said looking at me with a small smile.

"So John was like your dad?" I asked with my eyebrow raised.

"Yah when my parents died, I was left to help my siblings. So I took up hunting to get revenge, until I realized that it's about helping people not killing for your want." She said looking at the table. " John really did help he would give me money for my siblings and me. Once I was old enough I got a job and worked, along with school and nearby hunts. I guess you can say I'm not so spoiled." She laughed a little at the end.

"That... sounds rough." Dean said shaking his head slightly.

"I guess you could say that." She said looking up at him. He smiled at her, she smiled back. Us having a comfortable silence while finishing up our early lunch. When we all finished (y/n) wanted to wash the dishes, but me and dean insisted on washing it for her. We took all of the plates and dishes that were used to make the sandwiches and put them in the sink. Making sure they were spotless. We put them back where they belong and walked in to living room where (y/n) was already cleaning out. We sat down and silently agreed to help her whenever she needed it. We started to organize the piles of things from the shelves and cabinets.

When we were done we put the garbage bags in front of the short chain link fence. I took a look around and saw that it was really quiet here.

"Let's go up stairs in the attic and start cleaning, there shouldn't be too much stuff in there." She said walking back inside. We followed her up the creaky stairs, being able to smell the dust. I coughed a little along with (y/n) while dean covered his mouth and nose with his shirt. (Y/n) opened the single window that was up here. It was fairly big. Probably big enough to get some fresh air in here and filter out the dust.

"Hey, (y/n) are you going to live here when we clean it?" I asked moving things to the middle of the room.

"Maybe I will, or maybe I'll sell it and live in my car like I was before." She said going through some papers.

"Why would you sell it?" I asked looking at her.

"Because I'm not going to be able to pay the bills with stolen information. And I don't feel like trying to fix the whole house when it decides to fall apart." She said still not looking up. I looked out the window and saw that there was a birds nest on the branch right next to the window. As I continued to look at it, I saw a baby bird stick it's head up out of the nest. I smiled and saw it look around for its mother. I stopped looking at it and went back to work.

Most of the stuff in the attic were pictures, old files, some books about monsters and a few dressers and desks. In the bathroom was a toilet, sink and tub. There was nothing else, and it wasn't even that dirty. By the time we were done it was 4:18 and (y/n) insisted on making us dinner. We didn't argue, knowing she would win. Dean turned on the tv, flipping through the channels. I looked back into the kitchen to see (y/n) on her tip toes trying to reach a mixing bowl. I chuckled to myself and got up. I walked behind her and grabbed the bowl accidentally pressing my body onto hers. I handed her the bowl and took a step back. She turned around with the slightest bit of pink on her cheeks. She awkwardly smiled at me and I smiled back at her. We stayed like that for a minute until she turned around and started to cook once again. I didn't ask what she was making wanting it to be a surprise. Dean was to busy looking at the tv to notice. I sat at the table and watched her cook. Trying to guess what it was. When she was just about done I grabbed the plates and silverware, which was actually silver, and set the table. I put three beers on the table and sat down. (Y/n) put the food in the middle of the table.

"Dean, you better turn that tv off right now or I'm taking your diner and you'll go to bed hungry!" She yelled into the living room. Dean quickly turned off the tv and ran into the kitchen like a 8 year old about to eat his favorite meal. He sat down at the table and looked at her silently asking if he can make his plate. She nodded and he dug into the pork chops, green beans, corn, and mashed potatoes. I made my plate not having a home cooked meal in forever. She finally made her plate and started eating. Surprisingly the mashed potatoes were really good. After a really good dinner me and dean tried our hardest to have her let us wash the dishes, but she insisted on washing them. It was about 6:28 at night. We all sat down on the couch, watching tv until about 8:30, at that point we were beyond tired. We were well fed and had good beds to sleep on, except for one of us. Because there were only two beds.

"I don't care where I sleep as long as I sleep." Dean said not moving from the couch.

"I'm not letting you sleep on the couch. Just sleep on the guest bed, Sam you can sleep in Johns old bed. I can sleep on the couch." She said going to grab some extra blankets.

"What if someone shares a bed?" I asked looking at the room.

"I guess that could work. I'm fine with sleeping with someone." (Y/n) said.

"I'm sorry but I spread out and kick so..." Dean said trailing off.

"Are you okay with sharing a bed Sam?" (Y/n) asked.

"I'm fine with it." I said looking at her. I swear to god dean has done this on purpose. She smiled at me and walked outside to her car to grab some clothes. When she came back in she went to the bathroom and got changed. When she came out she had on a huge shirt that almost looks like it could fit me, with I think some shorts that can't be seen under the shirt. Me and dean walked out to the car and grabbed something to sleep in. We walked inside and went into different t rooms to change. I walked out of the bathroom to see (y/n) already under the covers in the bed. The light was off and she looked asleep. I put my clothes right next to the door and climbed into bed. I turned over and saw that she wasn't asleep.

"Goodnight, Sam." She whispered.

"Goodnight, (y/n)." I whispered back and shut my eyes. I felt her body get closer to mine as she turned over. I opened my eyes to see her facing me curled up in a ball. I smiled and closed my eyes once again. I opened them back up once I felt her arms around my torso. I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her closer, closing my eyes for the last time not wanting this moment to end. And falling asleep soon after.

One Lucky Fan (Sam Winchester X Reader) (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now