Stay Classy

587 16 1

(Y/n)'s POV

"So get this! All victims had their hearts ripped out, but it looks like it was done by a professional, not an animal attack." I said as the boys walked in the room.

"So a very skilled werewolf?" Dean asked with his eyebrow raised.

"Very unlikely. It's probably just a weird ass person trying to sell it on the black market." I said with a shrug. "But I did find a possible lead. There is a witness that might have seen something." I said looking at the boys.

"So where is he?" Dean asked.

"Mental hospital." I said. "Let's go before it gets too late." I said standing up and putting on my trench coat. Both boys stood up and walked out the door to the car. I followed them and got in the backseat of the car after I told Velvet to stay in the room. We drove down to the Hospital, and parked in a space and walked in. We showed the front desk our badges and asked for Anthony Dellis, our witness. The lady at the desk showed us to him. He was in his room watching tv.

"Hello, Anthony. We're from the FBI and just wanted to ask you some questions about what you saw last week." I said in my nice voice.

"You won't believe me. No one believes me." He said not looking at us.

"We have some very open minds Anthony, I think we will believe you." Sam said with a warm smile.

"I was outside, in the alley. I heard some tussling and a scream. I hid behind a dumpster and watched a man in a cloak and top hat cut into the other mans chest." Anthony said turning to us.

"And then what?" Dean asked as he wrote down some notes in the little notebook.

"The cloaked man reached into the dead guys chest and ripped out the heart, and put it in a bag. He wiped off the knife and put it in his pocket and walked away like nothing happened." Anthony said with worry in his eyes.

"Thank you sir, this really helped our investigation. If you have anything else that you would like to tell us about what you saw then call us." Sam said handing him a card. Anthony nodded and thanked us for coming. We walked out to the car.

"So like I said, a random person just trying to sell some hearts on the black market." I said with a smile.

"Or a very well planned werewolf." Sam said.

"Not really though. If it were really planned, it wouldn't be that sloppy with its work." I said.

"True." Dean said getting in the car. We all got in the car. We drove to the motel and walked in the room. I got out my laptop and started to look for some more things that might help us.

"Wait!" I said finding something.

"What?" Sam said.

"I found a connection between the two victims. They both went to a really long party. The party is one of those fancy ones for a charity. It still has two more days." I said with a smile.

"So what?" Sam asked.

"We go and crash a party." I said with a smile. "I say we go tonight, try and find a male that fits the description and follow him home to see what happens." I said with a smile. Both boys nodded with a smile. "I just have to go and get some things, I'll be back." I said grabbing my car keys. I drove to the nearest dress shop. I found a gown that had a deep plunging neckline and cut outs at the side. It hugged my curves, and was black fading into gold at the bottom. I found a small purse and stilettos both being black. I tried on the dress it fit perfectly, I also tried on the heels and they also looked nice. I bought them and drove back to the motel. I walked in to see the boys already ready for the party. I got out my many bags of makeup and walked in the bathroom with my new clothes and makeup. I put on my dress and heels. Then I started to do my makeup. I put on the base and did a silver eyelid with black around the rest. I put on my eyeliner and fake lashes. I put on my matt black lipstick and a silver highlighter. I fixed my hair and checked to see if I missed anything. I walked out of the bathroom to see both boys turn their heads at me. Both looked as if I was the most beautiful woman in the world. I smiled at the two who's mouthes were to the ground.

One Lucky Fan (Sam Winchester X Reader) (Finished)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora