Road Trip

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Sam's POV

When I turned back around to talk to (y/n), she was stretched across the whole back seat sleeping. She always looks cute, but right now she looked adorable. Her hair is slightly covering her eye, her hoodie going down to her knees. The sleeves, got way passed her fingertips and her face. Oh god her face, always is making me smile. With her all of her perfect imperfections. Her features make me wanna melt in her arms. I don't know what I would do without her now that I have her. After this case I wanted to ask if she can stay with me and dean, but I don't know if she would say yes. I turned back around in my seat and stared out of the window.

"Hey dean?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah, Sammy?" Dean asked not taking his eyes from the road.

"I was just wondering but if she possibly wanted to, could (y/n) stay with us on our trips and in the bunker?" I asked looking at him.

"I wouldn't be opposed to the idea, I think it would be nice to have a female with us. Ya know make sure we do what we're supposed to do, take care of us like a mother. That's how I would think of it." Dean said with a shrug. "I think it's a good idea." He finished glancing at me. I smiled and looked back at her.

"She's sleeping right now, but when she wakes up I'll ask her." I said looking out the window.

~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~

It was just about an hour or so until she woke up. I glanced back at her to fully turn around when I saw her sitting up and rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Hey there sleepy head." I said with a smile.

"Hi, Sammy." She said with the same smile.

"Hey! Only I can call my brother that!" Dean said raising his pointer finger in the air.

"You didn't tell him Sammy?" She asked.

"No not yet." I said. "Oh I have a question for you." I said.

"Hit me." She responded.

"How do you feel about doing cases with me and dean, full time?" I asked with a nervous smile.

"That sounds nice, I think I could do it." She said nodding her head.

"Okay what about living in the bunker with us when we aren't in cases?" I asked again.

"That would also be nice." She said with a laugh. I smiled at her real big. She went looking in her bag again, probably to find something to do. She then started to take stuff out placing it on the seat next to her. When her bag was empty she sighed. She folded her clothes put them neatly in the bag and put her other belongings in there as well.

"Hey dean? Can we try and find a rest stop or something?" She asked leaning on the front bench looking at dean.

"Sure why not. I'm starting to get hungry anyways." He said looking for the nearest rest stop.

"Thank you! If they have a gas station then I'm going in to see if there is anything to do! Sam how can you just sit there and stare out of the window?" She asked.

"I don't know. Maybe because if your going one case after another you need time to just be quiet and think." I said with a shrug.

"Oh that makes sense. Hey dean! What Hogwarts house are you?" She asked.

"What?!" Dean asked looking at her.

"What house are you in?" She asked again.

"I don't fucking know, nor do I give a rats ass." He said trying to find a rest stop.

One Lucky Fan (Sam Winchester X Reader) (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now