Bar Fight

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Sam's POV

I saw what she had done. And to be honest it got me jealous. Just the thought of her showing off her body to strangers, got me upset. And I know that I don't own her, I'm not her boyfriend, I'm just a friend. But I still feel like a selfish 4 year old, I want to go over there and claim her. Show the men over there that she's mine. Just overall take what I want to be mine.
This morning I asked her if we wanted to forget how we woke up. And she told me, that it was up to me. I don't know if that was her trying to be nice or her really not caring. But either way I chose not to forget. Even though I do realize that she was just tired, it still felt like she wanted me. I know that sounds weird. But I felt like she wanted me. The way she clung to me... god, what am I doing.

I sat down across the pool tables to make sure they didn't try anything. I opened my laptop and continued to glance at the pool tables. A waitress walked over to me and asked what I wanted.

"Hello sir would you like anything?" She asked.

"Just a beer please." I said. I'm probably not even gonna finish it. When she left to grab my beer dean came over to where I was sitting.

"You do realize that you don't have to be her body guard right?" Dean asked.

"I know, it's just that this bar seems sketchy." I said.

"Well then, look at her. Is she winning?" He asked finally looking over at her.

"Well no shit she's winning. You do know how she's how she made herself look right?" I asked a little annoyed.

"What was that Sammy? Jealousy?" Dean asked with a chuckle.

"No! It's just that men are so easily distracted by a shoulder and tits. It's annoying, they can't see what's right in front of them!" I said.

"True." Dean agreed. I closed my laptop as the waitress walked over with my beer.

"Thank you." I said as she sat it down.

"No problem, it's my job after all." She said with a smile. Then she walked away. I continued to look at (y/n). When she finally walked back over to us she had a thick stack of cash. She fixed her strap, and put her flannel back on.

"Well that was easier than I expected." She said with a smirk.

"How much you get?"Dean asked.

"How about you let me count it first." She said giving him a look.

"$375.00"She stated and smiled in accomplishment. "375 divided by 3 is..."

" $125.00 for each of us." I finished.

"Cool, where's my third?" Dean asked.

"Impatient little bastard, will you let me separate it first?" (Y/n) asked.

"Fine." He said a little annoyed. After she separated it she slid Dean his, he picked it up quickly and saw what it contained. She then picked up the other stack and handed it to me with a smile. I smiled back, taking it gently not wanting to be a dick. I flipped through the stack and smiled putting it in my pocket. I glanced up from my computer one last time to see her already looking at me. She blushed and looked down at her phone. I smiled slightly and went back to looking for a case.

"Let's get back to the motel." Dean said slightly nervous.

"Why?" I questioned.

"Because if you look to your right there is a very angry group of people looking at us." Dean said, still in a slightly nervous tone. I looked up and saw it was the men that (y/n) was hustling earlier.

One Lucky Fan (Sam Winchester X Reader) (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now