Whoever this threat was, Eliza was sure he or she would make a big production of it, that’s why the laser light was only a teaser and the gunshot hadn’t been fired.

He wouldn’t waste time in only having a few stalker girls witnessing any accidents or deaths. He would make sure that there would be an audience to witness the tragedy. That meant Eliza had to be around all the time. There really was no room for mistakes.

Eliza scanned through where the place was.

She got dressed to go out, kept a gun in a hidden holster at her side and brought along a knife that she kept inserted in a place near her shoulder in the event when she couldn’t use her hands and could only grab with her teeth.

She went outside and told the security not to let any of the boys out, not even the band. Eliza knocked on a door.

“I already told you, it’s not a bad…” he stopped midsentence when he saw that it wasn’t who he thought it was. Louis was probably surprised at finding her at his door, considering she never paid any visits to their rooms. “Hello? This is a strange day, isn’t it?”

“You’re not going out, are you?” Eliza said cheerily. It was a drastic change from her cold, bitchy side that she had been displaying for the whole time.

“Are you ill, Amy?” Louis said, putting his hand to her forehead. “This isn’t like you at all. And in answer to your question, no I’m not going out today. I’m just staying here until we’re called back to work.”

“Oh that’s too bad. But if you do, tell me soon, since I want to get out of the hotel a few times. I know I haven’t exactly been on my best behavior, but I’ve kind of been having woman problems that made me a bitch.”

Louis laughed, looking bewildered. “Okay,” he said slowly, “that was too much information and I didn’t need to know any of that.”

Eliza tried her best to give out a natural life. It had been a while since she gave one, so she didn’t know if it was convincing. “Sorry. Just…yeah. Could you pass it along to the other boys?”

“About your womanly problems, you mean? No thank you.”

“Not that. The other thing.”

“About you being less of a bitch? Yeah, cool. No worries.”

“Thanks. And if anyone asks, I’ll be out for a bit. I’ll be back in time for call time though.”

“Sure.” Louis looked utterly confused at how bipolar she was suddenly acting. Even Eliza would find it suspicious as to why someone would act so nice suddenly.

She had to, or else they wouldn’t genuinely want her around, and the problem was that she needed access to their company as a friend and not just as working for their management.

Eliza went to the rooftop of the hotel and evaded the security cameras by momentarily overriding the system and replacing it with the empty hallways. She didn’t want to be seen leaving any entrances in the building. For all she knew, the person or maybe even people who were threatening the boys could be watching the moves of not only One Direction, but also anyone working for them.

The rooftop wasn’t accessible to guests, but she managed to find the fire escape that led to the rooftop.

The closest building was a few stories lower than the hotel building, but she felt like she could make it. Eliza could travel faster on rooftops than on the road, where she would probably attract some attention and look like a maniac sprinting around.

The place where the boys had been when the laser appeared wasn’t far, but the buildings and stores were lower, and the person holding the laser was probably within close range and elevated.

She scanned the shops and restaurants. There were a fair few where some random people could go to the second story to just hang out to dine or chill. Eliza saw the place where the boys had stopped when the laser appeared.

She slid down the pipe at the side of the structure she had landed on and walked over to that place.

There were only three possible buildings where the laser pointer could come from. There were only three windows or porches with direct view of where she stood. The structures here were all two stories only, and two of them were stores. The other was a private residence.

Eliza looked around to see if there were any security cameras around in the buildings. There were in the restaurant store ones, but the private building was only a window, and she didn’t know if it was an apartment or not.

She put on sunglasses, since she couldn’t easily access the security cameras without her high-speed laptop. The one at the hotel, she had set to work to give her fifteen minutes before the system would go back to normal. It had taken her thirty minutes to do that, and she had her laptop. With only her phone, it would be more difficult.

She entered the first one, which was a coffee shop, and ordered the cheapest drink on the menu.

She went up to the second floor and was surprised to find something on her first try.

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