Chapter 24

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Eliza just realized that she decreased scaling walls and sneaking around to avoid cameras. There was something wrong with that. But then again, there was also something wrong with her running on roofs and hacking into security cameras all the time.

She had time to do that at the start, when she was motivated in being all secretive, but when the load started getting heavier, she just pretended that she was going out for coffee or something. The use of elevator was getting more and more compulsory, even when she didn’t like it.

Instead, she had to control her aggression through other ways, and this came in the form of football with the boys.

They were bad at it. Louis was pretty decent though, so he was on the opposing team with Harry and Zayn. That meant she was stuck with Liam and Niall. Malcolm and John were going to end up as the goalkeeper for the evening. It was pretty cold out as well. They were pretty much used to it though, so it was only Eliza that was pretty much wrapped up.

She had a gun in her gym bag though. She didn’t want some nutter going around and attacking them again.

For some reason, she felt like something was going to happen again.

And it did.

The ball had strayed away and Louis retrieved it with John. They came back with their hands up and the ball running ahead of them. There were two men in ski masks, each of them holding a gun to their heads.

One of them indicated for them to all get down.

“You’re going to talk now or what?” Eliza said, pretty much pissed off by now. She just wanted to unmask these people and finish her contract. She sat down near her gym bag on the ground. She sat directly in front of it as she put her hands behind her and felt for her bag.

There were three other bodyguards and none of them had guns. This was terrific. She was one girl against two armed men that had firearms pointed at the brains of two people, one of them being a person she was paid to keep safe.


The gun was small enough that she could conceal it in her really big sleeves. She hid her hands and waited for the next move.

“Why don’t you shut up?” one of the guys in the ski masks finally said. Guy 1.

“There’s a slight limp there. Did something happen to you?” she said conversationally, getting back on her feet.

The gun suddenly pointed in her direction. “Stop moving or you might start having a limp too.”

“Or you want the other leg?” she said, getting the angle that she needed to aim.

She went for a shot, but they saw the movement already and shot at her. Some bullets missed her, but one grazed her side. They shot at John’s ankle and Guy 2 had Louis’ neck in a chokehold.

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