1.16 A strike to the heart is the most fatal...

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16. Rise of moral integrity, rehabilitate the slag Male Lead, a strike to the heart is the most fatal...


Warning: Tearjerker ahead T-T. Contains sensitive themes (no explicit description) like rape, suicide, drugs, angst and utter sorrow. Never do that at home!

Now, take out the tissues and start the melancholic music:


There was a head splitting pain running along his scalp and broken pieces of reality and dream mixed into a hazy illusion.

"Wake up Ruo Chen!"

Jun-er... I feel tired and my head is spinning...

"Don't you dare to cross the yellow river now!"

What are you talking about?

"Ruo Heng wants to get rid of you, don't trust him!"

En, I know. I already dealt with him.

"No... don't... I'm scared...sob, sob"

What is threatening you?! Where are you?

"Life with a smile on your face."

I will as long as you're with me.

"Goodbye, I love you..."

No, not again... Jun-er? Li Junyao!!!

The voice of his beloved reverberated in his head as Ruo Chen slowly slipped into unconsciousness...


It happened in an instance.

They were speculating about the turmoil, that should have broken out since they left.

Ruo Chen didn't know whether it was god or another higher being, that forced the things to be similar to his first life, but the day of the party remained as his life changing point.

Since he was born, a life full of privileges was already prepared for him. At least on the surface.

As a member of the elite, his life was strictly dictated and harsh, since everyone fought for a higher position.

However, with the tender age of six, he lost his mother in a car accident. Afterwards his training was loosened and only few months after her funeral a big sister came into the house with a young boy.

They seemed friendly and helped him overcoming the grief of his loss. He liked them and they soon became his new family.

It was weird at first to call the big sister "Aunt Du", even though she was still young. His younger brother called her mother. So he once tried it too, but her smile fainted instantly and she rebuked disdainful, "Don't call me that, I will never be your mother."

The little Ruo Chen was confused, he was the child of his father and she was his father's wife, that would make her his mother, right?

When he asked his little brother, he answered simply, "Every child has only one mom. She is my mom and you have your own mom, so my mom can't be your mom ah."

It made sense for him back then, however, the older he got, the more he understood the real meaning.

He was unwanted.

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