2.3 Struggle with favoritism!

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2.3 Raise of moral integrity, educate the slag Male Lead and struggle with favoritism!

Warm morning rays shone onto the gray and furry face. The moment Rong XingLi opened his eyes again, there was this sense of deja vu crawling up. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Once again, he climbed into the bed of the world's protagonist.

Just like in the last world, he fell asleep and woke up next to a sleeping male lead. But this time he was a pet and Gao Qingxuan was a cute child, so he didn't have to fear for his chastity.

"Jing Yi, what happened while I was out?" Rong XingLi asked in his head.

He waited, then asked again and got... no response.

At that point, he wanted to cry, he got abandoned just like that! With a heart full of grievances, the little four-legged animal looked around in his new environment.

Gao Qingxuan's chamber was very neat and warm. There were actually two braziers for heating on each side of the room, unlike the cold place Rong XingLi was before. Aside from the bed, there was a finely carved desk for studying, an ornamental paravent and a kanapee. Neither decorations or furnishings were lacking in splendor.

Rong XingLi only saw the money symbol spilling from everywhere. The pebble weighing down on his heart from being left alone by his family's system earlier was replaced by a solid rock of frustration. The little ancestor was already richer than he was at the end of his life!

Full of tears, Rong XingLi indignantly turned to the sleeping child. He wanted to scold the spoiled brat for growing up askew, of course, he could do so only inwardly.

Ink-black hair spread over the whole pillow and some disheveled strands covered the small forehead. Gao Qingxuan's cheeks were rosy and his expression was peaceful. There was even a faint smile on his face. Apparently, he had a very sweet dream.

Ahh, I forgive you. You're not like the big bastard Ruo Chen. Little boy, I lead you on the right track. So be obedient and listen to me, okay?

"En..." Gao Qingxuan murmured suddenly.

Rong XingLi nearly jumped back from shock, but dismissed the possibility of Gao Qingxuan responding to his thoughts very soon. It was absurd. Even if he blurted out his mind accidentally, there was no way the other party could understand his barking. Hence, Rong XingLi relaxed and decided to wait for the boy to wake up. It dawned already and Gao Qingxuan was bound to open his eyes soon. A curled furball reclined next to the sleeping beauty, gently watching over the boy.

Meanwhile, Jing Yi followed the nursemaid of Gao Qingxuan. She headed to the crown prince's chamber with a jug of warm water. Beside her were two teenage girls diligently following along with a new set of clothes and a box of accessories.

Knock, knock~

"Young Crown Prince, this servant will open the door now," Gao Qingxuan's maid announced before opening the door and heading straight to the little ancestor. She put down the jug, rolled up her sleeves and with a "Please forgive this servant" pulled away the quilt with one yank.

Rong XingLi was visibly caught off guard. While he waited for Gao Qingxuan to wake, he dozed off a little.

The maid easily overlooked the little cub on the dark blue quilt with the dim light. Thus, Rong XingLi flung to the edge off the bed and hit the frame with his back. Because he was midway his third spin, the world greeted him upside down as his butt stuck up in the air.

He got back onto his feet and looked with befuddled eyes around. Was he doomed to be flicked around on a daily basis?!

The f*ck, this grandfather isn't a stuntman! Wuwu, my back huuurts~

[BL] QT: Rehabilitation of the slag Male LeadOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora