1.7 Strike for a break time!

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7. Rise of moral integrity, rehabilitate the slag Male Lead and strike for a break time!

For the first time, after his coronation as a film emperor, did Rong XingLi not know how to act.

He was at a loss. The towering person, that clutched to him desperately, refused to let go.

"Mr. Ruo, Young Master Ruo Chen, are you there?" called Rong XingLi repeatedly.

No reaction, something must have triggered him...

Ignoring the curious gazes and gossips, Rong XingLi patiently soothed the tranced male lead.

With a wistful sigh, Rong XingLi had no other option than consult his almighty system.

"Xiao Yi, help me. What's wrong with this big baby? How can I bring his soul back to his body?" pleaded Rong XingLi helplessly. He wondered, what had occurred in Ruo Chen's former life to show such strong symptoms. He knew the overall situation, but not the exact degree of involvement of Ruo Heng and the Li twins.

"Ding— Host doesn't need to act, Ruo Chen will restore his state with the current constellation on his own," replied Jing Yi flatly. His host, as usual, tends to randomly give out nicknames.

Rong XingLi was skeptical, if it was this easy, then why did people, aka himself, have to suffer from asthma?

"Ding— Ruo Chen is the male lead, he can't die prematurely," reminded Jing Yi mildly.

The main character halo finally showed some usefulness.

"Can I fasten the regeneration process somewhat?" questioned Rong XingLi carefully, he didn't wanted to be labeled as "very close" to Ruo Chen. That wouldn't be good for the future ba!

"Ding— Try calling him 'Ah Chen' or 'Chen'," spat Jing Yi out flatly.

Actor Rong: "..."

Sure enough his family's system held a grudge for the cute nicknames. He should suppress his habits in the future to avoid this bullying.

Nevertheless, he still called out for Ruo Chen in this intimate manner. It wasn't a big deal anyway, technically, he was nearly 20 years older than him, but right now, his persona was an introverted university freshman.

"...Ah Chen?" probed Rong XingLi softly.

No reaction.

"Chen, is everything okay?" asked he shyly. This time he didn't expect a reaction.

"Hmm..." murmured Ruo Chen.

It worked miraculously!

"Chen, can you release me? It hurts..." cried Rong XingLi out pitifully.

"..." Ruo Chen remained quiet, merely burying his head deeper into the crook of Rong XingLi's neck.

The corners of Rong XingLi's mouth twitched. His majesty was truly willful, responding and ignoring as he pleases.

Once again, he tried to wake up the sleeping beauty, "Chen, you need to let go! Or else—"


However, his attempt was interrupted by his own stomach.

Besides a simple pancake and a glass of milk for breakfast, he didn't eat anything afterwards and now it was nearly 2 pm. Getting hungry was natural.

Rong XingLi was a bit irritated, he wanted to grab something to eat on his way to the broker, but now he was struck with this big brother.

Arghh, it's getting more complicated thanks to this guy!

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