1.1 Strike for rebirth!

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1.1 Rise of moral integrity, rehabilitate the slag Male Lead and strike for rebirth.

Beep, beep, beeeep—

Together with his heartbeat, the sound in the vip hospital room died down.

At the age of mere 41 years former film emperor and successful director, Rong XingLi, took his last breath.

Beside his bed sat a youth, his facial features delicate with baby fat on the cheeks. With red eyes he shifts his view at Rong XingLi's face, which once held handsome appearance. It shows a genuine, yet sad smile and the tears he shed in his final moment still lingered on his face.

"I'm sorry, Xiao Yang. I have to leave you alone. I can't keep my promise to be with you forever...

"P-please don't hate your father, even though he didn't love me, he loved you dearly.

"Hah... maybe I can meet him on the other side. So live well for the both of us..."

His last words still echoed in Huang YaoYang's head as he begins to sob quietly.


"I, I w-will... so please be happy in your next life too, dad..."

xiao= little, prefix to call someone intimately, Xiao Yang is Huang Yaoyang's nickname

I died...

"Master Huang, please lift your head. Mr. Rong didn't wanted you to mourn too long but live your life free from the Huang family."

Yeah, Bai Zhou is totally right! Don't let daddy's effort get wasted.

"Stupid Bai! The Huang family killed my father, stole what ought to be mine and caused my daddy to die early. They took everything from me. This debt has to be settled!"

No, no, no, stupid child! Stop right there. You watched too many of my movies. Leave them be and smooth through life with the money daddy left you! Little chuuni, daddy is tired, please let me Rest In Peace ba!

chuuni: a person with the 7th class syndrome, they behave like they're the protagonist of the world/like an anime character, little buns that need love/attention

ba: at the end of a sentence to mark and soften commands, requests and suggestions

"Brother Bai you have to help me ba!"

Bai Zhou stop this reckless child!

"...I understand."

It's over... (ノ⊙_⊙)ノ彡┻━┻

Rong XingLi wanted to bury his head into his arms. Only to find a see-through cotton candy-like round body, that emitted a faint silver glow. Even though his body looked slightly haggard at the time of his death, it was still this body, that accompanied him all his life. It was a weird feeling being without a body.

"...Do you want a second chance?" A mechanical voice asked amidst Rong XingLi's current confusion.

"Who are you?! Where am I?"

Wait, I can talk?? Am I not dead?

"Ding—You indeed died and your soul is about to enter the reincarnation circle, but instead of dying with regrets, I can offer you the power to change your fate," the mechanical voice said.

"Did you just r—" before Rong XingLi could end his sentence, the mechanical voice interrupted again.

"Yes, I did. Call me Jing Yi (1). I'm a system, build to rehabilitate the moral integrity of male slag characters in different planes. By doing given tasks you can accumulate points to fulfill your dreams. Be it materialistic things like money or idealistic concept like eternal youth... or even the chance to rebirth." Speaking of the benefits the mechanical voice seemed to hesitate with the last part.

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