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I was running around in the streets trying to find something decent to eat. It's been a while since I have had a good meal, I stopped in my tracks and smells something divine from the distance.

I started running bare foot towards the smell. Until I accident ran into a brunette woman. You made an oof to the ground and looked up at the woman. "Whoops! Sorry Luv! Here let me help you up."

She reached out to me with her right hand. I was hesitating, no one has ever spoken to me with so gentle before. I scooched backwards away from the woman. She took one step towards me and I ran, I could hear the steps from the woman behind them.

I jolted down an alley and tripped over a box. When I saw the brunette, I hid inside of the box. "Did I do something wrong? Is that why she's chasing me?!" I thought. She slowly approached the box and looked inside, locking her brown eyes with your beautfil bright (E/C) eyes. "It's ok..I'm not going to hurt you luv." Her ascent was so pretty, it reminded me of my mothers laugh. I reached out for her hand, before I could even lay a finger on her. "Lena come on!"

I say a blonde woman, she scared me so I decided to run off. "Angela! Keep your voice down." Angela groaned, "Why? Are you trying to ge-" She stopped when she saw my bright (E/C) glowing in the shadows. "Who's there?" Angela said as she started carefully walking towards me, not breaking the eye contact.

My heart beat stopped when I felt her hand on my leg. I squirmed and fell into a pile of boxes. Angela jumped and took a step backwards. "Angie your scaring her/him!" Angela stops in her pose and looks at lena, "Its a she/he?" Angela stood up straight staring at lena. "It's just a child angela, leave them alone."

Lena walked over to me and held a hand out. "It's ok...come on out." I shook, but I finally softly placed my tiny hands onto her palm. She slowly picked me up and held me in her arms. I were extremely small for a five year old. When she was holding my body completely in her arms, I gripped her jacket and dug my face into it.

She jumped when she felt me tug on her jacket. She walked with me in her arms as I slowly drifted so sleep.

~Time Skip~

I woke up in a large room, no one was in there though. The entrace to the room slide open. I hid under the sheets, "hey hey its ok..I'm not going to hurt you." It was a different voice than the other two voices I heard earlier. It sounded like another woman. Her voice was gently and soft, I felt like I could trust her. I poked my head out of the blankets and looked at the brunette as she looked at my bright (E/C).

She took a step towards me and I threw myself against the wall, frightened. She jumped and stopped. "Sorry little one...I'm not going to hurt you." I felt self conscious. "P-please leave me alone..." she looked in suprise and she left. "Brigitte? What's wrong?" I could tell it was lena so I uncovered myself from the thick sheets. "They are scared to death lena. I tried to say hello but they she/he told me to go away." Brigitte sighed, I heard the footsteps of brigitte's shoes disappear after a minute.

Lena walked through the door and looked up at her. "Heya luv, how you doing?" I sniffed and stood on my knees. I reached out to her with grabby hands. She looked surpised and picked me into her arms. I gripped onto her shirt and barried my face into it. Lena looked so happy.

She kissed my tiny forehead and carried me out the door. Lena put me against her shoulder, I gripped onto her shoulder and snuggled into her neck. As we were walking towards the main room she rubbed my back to comfort me.

Once she got into the room, there was glares coming from every direction. "Lena...What is that?" Solider came from behind her. She jumped and almost dropped me. "Jeez jack. You scared me! But anyway...It's a child." She said calmy as I tensed up. Lena continued rubbing my back to calm me down. It didn't work especially when tall man had a booming voice. "Where did you find them Lena?" He scared me that I whimpered in the crook of lena's neck.

"She's like Cera.... Whimpers when she's scared, growls when shes protective... Is she a animal?" Angela said leaving the medic. "I don't know angela. She/He just came two hours ago." Two hours ago? I thought it was for a whole day. "I found them in the streets. Looking for food." I looked up from her shoulder seeing everyone in the room.

There was an old man with silver hair, a tall german man, angela, two japanese men, and a few others. I placed my chin on Lena's shoulder, "We can't keep them lena...You know this." The silver haired man said sternly. "But Jake! They were alone. For a year! We can't just leave her/him alone...She/He needs us jake.." He snarled harshly and sighed. "Fine..."

Lena smiled as she held you closer to her. "Thank you Commander Jack!" She put you down on the ground and held your hands. "Hey Ana, You think you can watch them. And maybe try get them to awnser so questions? I'm gonna get some food for them."

Lena sat me down and I instantly got anxiety and wanted for lena to hold me again. I whimpered as an Egyptian lady came close to me. She scared me, they all did really. I was uncomfortable with them. The lady kneeled down infront of me and lifted my head by my chin. "Hi there little one. What's your name?" You shook and stared at her, "(Y-Y/N)" I trembled. She smiled warmly at me and patted my head. "Hi there (Y/N). My name is Ana." She held her hand for me to shake it. I didn't shake back because of self couscous. Lena came back with a plate of food and I ran towards lena and hugged her legs. "Woah!" She almost fell.

I was eatting at a desk in the main room meeting a few other agents. A few scared me, especially roadhog and Junkrat. They scared the living soul out if me.

After a little bit, lena picked me up. I rubbed my eyes and yawned. Lena was like my mother now... the mother that was never there for me when I needed her most. I gripped tightly onto lena's shirt and saw a little blue glow coming from her chest. I touched it and shook. "Oh luv, you shouldn't be touching that." I looked up at her with curiosity in my eyes. "Why?" She stopped and looked down at me. "Because if it wasn't for it. I'd be teleporting through time." My eyes lit up with stars. "Like a superhero!" I said with pride. She laughed and held me closer to her. "Yeah...Like a superhero." I saw the smile on her face as we entered her room.

I saw two other people. One with a headset on playing a game. And the other person was listening to music. Lena tried sneaking past them until the gamer looked up. "Hi Lena!" She looked at lena's shoulder seeing me snuggled in to her. "Whos this?" She got up walking over to lena. "This is (Y/N), They will be staying with us for a while." The gamer poked my nose and I sneezed. Her finger smelled like chips. Lena rubbed my back as I smiled at the gamer.

"Hana can you watch (Y/N) for a bit? I'm going to make take a quick shower." She nodded as lena passed me into hana's arms. I squirmed and cried for lena as she disappeared into the bathroom. "Hey calm down, she'll only be gone for a little bit." She set me down in her lap as she sat down into her chair. Hana grabbed her controller and continued playing games and shoving chips into her mouth.

After a little while I got bored, I crawled around quickly and looked around in my new home. I wasn't paying attention until I bumped into a speaker. I looked up to see brazilian man. I gulped when he looked at me. "Hi there little one. What are you doing here?" Hana took off her headset, "Their name is (Y/N). Lena's taking care of them. So don't scare them lucio." He looked confused and frustrated. "I'm not scary you gremlin!" He shouted as he jumped at her. She squealed and laughed as he tackled her.

You started getting worried and sat in the corner terrified. That was the best first impression right? No.

Lena came out seeing you right away. "Guys, are you for real?!" She ran towards you and slide on her knees holding you. Hana and Lucio stopped wrestling each other and noticed your terrified facial expression. They looked at each other than back to you. "We are so sorry (Y/N). Lucio called me a gremlin though." Lena sighed and shook her head. "I'm going to bed. So you guys in the morning." Lena walked into her room and laid you down on the bed next to her.

Lena hummed and stroked her fingers through your (H/C) hair. You slowly drifted to sleep before pressing your body against her and falling asleep.

Ok. I know you guys are going to yell at me knowing I put it as Overwatch x female child!reader. But at first i had it as overwatch x child!reader so it was for both genders. I just didn't feel comfortable about it being both genders. And plus im so used to doing female writings so. Please don't jugde. I hope you guys enjoyed!
-Kiwi has left chat

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