"Reservation for two. Name's under Y/N," you told the hostess standing at the oak podium in the foyer. The woman's hair was in a tight top knot, and her popsicle stick figure was squeezed into a short black skirt and white blouse. She repeated your statement into a radio attached to her collar before beckoning your little train into the depths of the restaurant.

You had picked out a nicer restaurant than usual, hoping its steeper price tags yet shabbier location in the middle-class part of the city would mean there would be fewer people.

Boy, were you wrong.

Almost every table was filled, the atmosphere brimming with noisy chatter, and Yoongi's ears twitched in annoyance as he growled, "I said no crowds."

"I'm sorry," you mourned truthfully. "I thought -"

"Whatever," he rolled his eyes. "Just sit down."

With a start, you realized the hostess had found your table.

And of course, it wasn't at the edge of the horde. It wasn't even close to the door or bathroom. No, it was right in the middle. Right in the throes of that roiling, boiling throng.

This date night was not turning out very well.

Yoongi's eyes flitted back and forth, his entire body stiff as he pulled out your chair. Thankfully, no fans of Agust D seemed to be in the restaurant, so nobody looked twice at the cat hybrid who'd entered. Every step to his own seat was labored, and his nostrils flared with the force of his breathing.

"Yoongi -"

"I'm fine."

With a huff, you tried, "Baby -"

"Y/N," he groaned, finally looking at you. "I'm fine."

Your waiter - a man with a light dusting of facial hair aging his youthful appearance - came by with menus and glasses of water, but thankfully didn't stick around long as Yoongi's squinted eyes followed his every movement. Only when he was gone did your cat hybrid snatch up his water and take a long, heated gulp. Sweat beaded on his forehead, clumping his dark hair in tendrils. His skin was flushed red, and you realized what was about to happen with a start.

Yoongi was going to have a panic attack.

You jumped into action, pushing yourself to your feet and snatching his hand. He looked up, confusion furrowing his brows. "What are you -"

"Come on," you ordered, and thankfully he obeyed without another word.

You all but shoved your way through the crowded restaurant, never releasing Yoongi's trembling hand. The cool night air embraced your joined forms like an old friend, and only when you were back at your car - not inside, but standing by its rear bumper - did you stop and breathe.

"Y/N -"

"It's not nice to lie!" you snapped with a withering glare. "You were not - are not - fine, so don't try to pretend otherwise!"

Yoongi gnawed on his lip, and you tapped his chin with an insistent finger before he could draw blood. He refused to meet your gaze, so you finally sighed, "Let's go for a walk. There's a park nearby."

A nod was the only reply, but it was enough. Taking his hand again, you pulled him to the sidewalk. The park was only a block away, the streets swelling with standstill vehicles and the smells of the city - street food and smog and car exhaust. But it all fell away like magic the second you stepped through the park's entrance - or maybe that was just your imagination. Darkness had taken over the night sky, nothing but the shining skyscrapers and the occasional lamppost to light your way down the path. At this hour, there were only a few other people strolling through the park. But it wasn't until you were away from all of them that Yoongi stopped, feet planting so that you couldn't keep him walking even if you tried.

"Sweetheart, talk to me," you murmured, brushing his drying hair out of his face. "What's happening in that beautiful brain of yours?"

His tail snapped around behind him as he croaked, "I'm sorry."

Sorry? "What for?"

"Don't be dumb," he ordered. "You know what for."

"No, actually," you insisted, "I don't."

He groaned, making his way to a bench underneath a nearby lamppost. A few moths fluttered under its pulsing light, and Yoongi's eyes followed their haphazard journeys with longing. Unsure, you sat down beside him, gaze trained on the side of his face.

"Tonight was going to be special," Yoongi whimpered, looking down at his hands in his lap. "We were gonna go on a real date. A real one, Y/N. Like normal people do. But I had to go and fuck it up."

"Honey -"

"Don't," he begged, desperation flashing in his eyes as he turned to you. "Please don't."

Please. Yoongi was too good for words like that. So, you closed your mouth, swallowing whatever you were going to say.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled, looking away again. "Why do you even love me? I'm just a dumb cat."

"Okay, that's enough," you ordered, cupping his face in your hand and turning it so he'd look at you. "You can be a brat to me, to our friends, to your fans. But you will not be a bully, especially not to yourself."

"But -"

"So we didn't get to go to a restaurant tonight. So what?" You took his hands, offering a bright smile. "I got to spend time with you. I get to sit with my darling kitten in the quiet right now, in a beautiful park. He gets to be as much of a cat as he wants to be, and no one's around to make him feel bad for it."

Yoongi's eyes softened, black ears twitching. "So, it's okay?"

"Yes, baby," you promised. "It's okay. I love you - every part of you. Even the parts you can't help. Especially the parts you can't help."

He mewled quietly, pleased. You sat in the gentle night air, gazing up at the moths and fireflies, more than happy with how your date turned out.

"You've been holding back all day," you breathed. "I know you have, and I appreciate how much you wanted to have our restaurant date tonight, but I want you to let that go right now. Can you do that for me, sweetie?"

Yoongi searched your face, brows scrunching. When he found what he was looking for - or perhaps didn't find what he was looking for - he offered a nod and stood up. Your eyes followed the movement, a small smile plastered across your lips.

"Well, that's honestly good," he sighed, tail flicking lazily. "Because I really want to kill these moths right now."

You rolled your eyes, "Yoongi -"

"Don't worry," he slurred, voice thick as he loosened himself into his cat headspace. "I'll get one for you."

That wasn't what you were worried about, but you only shook your head in amusement and sat back against the park bench, watching happily as Yoongi's hands started to paw at the air.

Yeah, this was definitely a great date night.


I don't even know what this is honestly, but I hope you liked it anyway. Okay, I gotta go work on the chapter for TSOTS, so I'll see you later! Let me know what you thought in the comments, I always try to respond! I'm happy that it seems a lot of you haven't given up on this story despite the long hiatus.

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