seven ; ❝ fever? ❞

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Jimin and Taehyung: 4 years old
Jungkook: 2 years old

I was trying to sleep when I felt two pairs of hands on my shoulder, shaking me awake. Groggily, I opened my eyes to see the twin's faces extremely close to mine. "What do you want?" I asked grumpily.

"Jungkook, Jungkook is hot," Jimin said, Taehyung repeating after him. I raised my eyebrow. "You think your brother is attractive? Good for you. Now let me sleep," I mumbled, closing my eyes again. Taehyung shook me again. "Jungkook is not good!" he insisted. I sighed and looked at them. "What?" I asked. "Sick? Taehyung asked Jimin, looking for confirmation. Jimin nodded. "Kookie is sick!" I sat up, wide awake. "Oh? Then let's go!" I said and rushed to Jungkook's room.

Sure enough, there was Kookie in his bed, shivering and sweating. I sat down on the side and peeled the covers off of him. Jungkook opened his teary eyes and pouted. "Appa...don't feel good," he muttered. I reached for his forehead and felt his skin was burning hot. Jimin and Taehyung crowded around us, looking down in concern.

Jungkook held his arms out for me and I pulled him up. He hugged my neck closely and I tried not to wince at the heat emitting from him. I felt his warm tears touch my shirt and I bounced him slightly. "It's okay, Kookie," I whispered. "You'll be okay in no time." Honestly, when my kids cried it's like they rip my heart out.

I headed for the kitchen, the twins following closely behind me. I set Jungkook down on the counter and he didn't complain when I let go him. I rummaged in a drawer until I found what I was looking for, a thermometer. I cleaned it off a little in case it wasn't clean and held it out for Jungkook to put in his mouth. He leaned forward and slowly opened his mouth. Once it was in there, the thermometer started beeping then stopped shortly after.

I looked at the little screen, his temperature was 103°F. No wonder his poor little face was slightly tinging red. I patted his head softly and Jungkook pouted. Jimin leaned over the counter as much as he could and grabbed Jungkook's hand. Taehyung did the same, but Jungkook looked too exhausted to react.

I poured some liquid medicine in a spoon just big enough for Jungkook and turned around with it. Jungkook spotted it heading towards his mouth and his eyes widened, his whole body cringing away. "Take it," I commanded. He shook his head. "Fine, I guess you'll be sick forever." I pretended to turn around but Jungkook's small cry made me turn back and offer spoon again. This time, Jungkook opened his mouth, but still giving me evil eyes. I smirked at him.

After he swallowed the disgusting medicine, I picked him up again. He leaned into me while I headed upstairs to my room. "Here Kookie, you can sleep in my room, okay?" I said gently, setting him down on my blankets and settling the pillow under his head. Already half asleep, he smacked his lips and got himself comfortable. I went to the restroom and got a towel, wet it, then came back to put it on Jungkook's forehead.

His eyes shot open at the sudden movement but got used to it and closed his eyes again. I saw Jimin and Taehyung standing at the door, so I waved them in and lifted each boy onto the bed. Then, I climbed in myself, wrapping my arms around the boys. I watched them drift off to sleep, then I closed my eyes and went to sleep as well.

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