fourteen ; ❝ babysitter ❞

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Jimin and Taehyung: 3 years
Jungkook: 1 year

Namjoon's POV

"Make sure you don't give in when they beg for food, only give them what they need," said Yoongi. I looked at him strangely. "Okay, okay!" I said. Jin called out from behind me, "Leave now, you're going to be late." Hoseok pushed him out the door, but Yoongi wasn't done. "Don't let Taehyung draw on the walls, he's gotten into it recently-" Hoseok cut him off with the door in his face.

Hobi grinned and turned to the toddlers on the floor. "Well, kids! Let's get this party started!" Jimin laughed at him while Jin picked up Jungkook.

We were wrong.

It was not a party.

It was the opposite.

"Jungkook, stop hitting Jimin!" cried out Seokjin, pulling the brothers apart. "No Taehyung, you're not getting any more cookies!" said Hoseok, trying to cheer up a grumpy Tae. Meanwhile, I was trying to scrub a stick figure family off the wall. Who knew crayon was so hard to clean? When I was done, I stepped back and looked at my handiwork, the kids crying in the back. Eh...the marks were still on the white wall but less noticeable.

Suddenly, my phone buzzed and my heart dropped. I knew exactly who was calling.


You see, earlier he called every ten minutes and kept asking if his sons were okay, but I convinced him that everything was all right and they were behaving. Boy, was I wrong. He stopped calling thirty minutes ago, now I think he's doing another check-in.

Before I answered his call, I called out, "Everyone! Be quiet! Yoongi's calling!" I moved to the back of the house and picked up the phone. "Yoongi...hi!" Real smooth, Namjoon, real smooth.

"Is something wrong? Why are you talking like that?" he asked, immediately picking up on my strange tone. "No, nothing is wrong. Why? Is something wrong with you?" I responded, trying to keep my voice even. Yoongi stayed silent, probably thinking about what to say next. "How are the boys?" There's the question.

"Oh, they're good," I said a little too quickly. I could almost see Yoongi squinting his eyes on his side of the line. "Really? Let me see them." My phone's screen changed to a FaceTime request from Yoongi. I nervously tapped the screen and tried to look like I wasn't panicking inside. Heaven knows how protective he could get over those three toddlers.

Yoongi shoved the camera close to his face and cut to the chase. "Show me the boys." I laughed without humor and smiled. "Haha...okay." I trudged back to the living room, facing the camera away and widening my eyes at Jin and Hobi. Without warning, I switched the camera at them just as Jungkook jumped off of Seokjin and hit Jimin. He pouted and hit Jungkook back with his tiny fists.

"Hey! Don't let Jungkook jump like that! He could get hurt!" exclaimed Yoongi. "Wait, is that Taehyung drawing on the wall? Make him stop!" I immediately moved the baby away from the wall, but Yoongi continued ranting.

"I knew you guys couldn't handle them! You could've just told me and I would've found a professional babysitter-" he started but I cut him off with a giggle. "Yeah..haha...see you soon, bye." Before he could speak any more I hung up and turned to my hyungs. "What do we do? The house is a mess!" I said.

It's true, everywhere you looked there was a disaster. Jungkook's grape juice stained clothes were scattered on the floor, along with Taehyung's crayons and Jimin's toys. There was a mess in the kitchen where they ransacked it looking for cookies. And you can't forget the huge collapsed pillow fort that Hoseok made for them. Seokjin bit his lip and shook his head. "Let's get cleaning then."

In the end, we decided to keep the kids busy watching TV while we cleaned up. By we, I mean Jin and Hobi. I managed to slither my way out of that by convincing them that someone had to take care of the three boys and that was me. I sat down on the couch next to them, the TV already on SpongeBob.

"Uncle Joonie!" exclaimed Jimin, throwing his arms around me. I smiled and hugged him back. Deprived of hugs, Taehyung whined and hugged my other side. "Joonie," he muttered with a smile. I looked over at Jungkook who started tearing up from lack of attention.

Aish, these kids...

"Come here Kookie," I called out to him. A broad smile made it's way onto his cute face as he crawled over to me, taking the space on my lap. "Joon!" he beamed at me. I can't handle all this cuteness!

Soon, when those boys fell asleep watching a sponge on the television, I heard the front door open and Yoongi's voice. "I'm home, where are my sons?" Before I could shush him, their heads shot up at the sound of their father's voice, suddenly wide awake.

"Appa!" squealed Taehyung, darting away from the couch and into Yoongi's arms. The smile on Yoongi's face grew as he ruffled the toddler's hair. "There's my alien! Where's my mochi and my Kookie?" Jimin ran right behind Tae and smushed himself into the comfort of his father's hug. Little Jungkook used his stumpy legs as much as he could to waddle over and join the fun. All you could hear throughout the space was, "Appa, Appa, Appa!"

As I approached the little group, Yoongi gave me a death glare, then turned back to the boys and spoke in a baby voice. "Next time, Appa won't trust Uncle Joonie, Jinnie, and Hobi to babysit, mm?" he said happily to the kids crowding around him.

Seokjin and Hoseok appeared behind Yoongi, smelling of bleach and whatever other substance they used to clean. "What do you mean? The boys were perfectly happy with us!" he said, faking a gasp. Jungkook giggled watching the grownups play around. "Alright, we have to go, I won't clean your house anymore," said Hobi, crouching down to their eye level. "Bye, you little troublemakers!" We have each of them a kiss and walked away.

As we did so, I heard Yoongi exclaim, "Taehyung, I said no drawing on the walls!"

1056 words is a little overkill 😅

I know it was boring but I didn't have ideas and I knew you were waiting for sorry. I saw some people were spamming my story and I was so happy so I wanted to update.

But thanks for reading and bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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