thirteen ; ❝ new tooth ❞

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Hello I'm back. Before you guys get confused, Jungkook isn't born yet in this chapter to don't be looking for him (sorry if that sounds rude 😂). Okay thassit bye

Jimin and Taehyung: 5 months old

A loud sound woke me from my sleep. For a second, I panicked, then I realized I have two sons. I'm still getting adjusted to being a parent. Another loud cry was heard and I leapt out of bed, my heart thundering.

It's unusual for the babies to cry like that, so it left me fearfully wondering if something was wrong. I ran to their room next door and threw open the door to see Taehyung beating the air with his fists and sobbing.

I rushed over to his crib and looked in. His little eyes were squinted and tears were streaming out of them. His face was all scrunched up as if he was in pain and his sobs were getting louder. I glanced over at the older twin, Jimin, and was relieved to see that he was still sound asleep.

Turning back to Taehyung, I leaned over the crib and carefully picked him up from his armpits, the rest of his body dangling from my hands. He pumped his legs up and down, making it difficult to hold him, but I wouldn't drop him for anything.

I bounced him slightly to relax him but it didn't work. "What's wrong, my baby?" I whispered. I really was new to this, I had no one to tell me how to raise a child. I checked to see if he had a dirty diaper, or maybe some hidden injury, but he seemed fine.

Except he was still crying.

I tried bouncing him again, then rocking him, but nothing changed. I held him on my hip and went out into the hallway to walk up and forth. Taehyung likes movement a lot, so maybe he was just tired of being in that crib. I tried feeding him a little bit from the bottle, but he wasn't hungry.

Nope. He continued crying.

My heart wrenched whenever I saw the tears streaming down his precious face. Why was Taehyung unhappy? What does he need? What was I doing wrong?

I sighed and decided to call someone.

"What the heck Yoongi? It's 1:00 in the morning!" answered a very irritated Seokjin. "I know," I whispered, my voice cracking slightly at the end. "Wait, I hear crying. What's wrong? Are the boys okay?" he asked, his whole mood changing into concern. I looked at Taehyung who was still crying and clinging on to me.

"Yeah, Taehyung. I have no idea what's wrong with him but he hasn't stopped crying since thirty minutes ago," I responded, worry creeping into my voice unwillingly. Seokjin went silent, thinking of a solution.

"Did you check for a dirty diaper?" he finally asked. "Of course. He's clean," I replied. "Any injuries?" I shook my head even if he couldn't see me. "None." Seokjin sighed. "Maybe he misses Jimin? Or you?" he tried. "Nope. He's not reaching for either of us," I said. "Did you try to feed him?" asked Seokjin. "Yes, but he didn't take the bottle at all," I answered.

Suddenly I hear a slight chuckle from the phone. "What's so funny hyung?" I asked. Another chuckle. "Yoongi, he's growing his first tooth. Is he rubbing his mouth a lot? It means he's trying to ease the pain," laughed Seokjin. I looked at Taehyung and Jin was right, he is sticking his finger in his mouth and moving it around. "They're 5 months, right? That's a little early than usual to teeth, but it's nothing to worry about. Anyways, I have to go. Bye Yoongi! Good luck!" he said quickly. Before I could protest, the phone clicked, signaling that the call had ended.

I sighed and looked at Taehyung who was still crying. Of course, doing that wouldn't give me an answer, so I pulled up my search engine and did a little research.

A short while later, I had Taehyung swallow some Tylenol and gave him a pacifier to suck on. It will have to do before I can get an actual teether.

Sitting on the couch in the living room, I watched as Taehyung settled down slightly, getting sleepy from the medicine. His jaw moved up and down in a chewing motion, gnawing down on the green pacifier. I pulled at it a little and shook my head. "Don't bite on it my love," I scolded in a gentle stern voice. Taehyung gave a heavy exhale before closing his eyes and slumping against my chest, wandering off to dream land.

I smiled and stroked his hair softly while his breathing slowed down and evened out. Finally, I got the irritated baby to calm down, but I can only imagine how Jimin will be once his teeth start growing in as well.

Alright I'm back with the uwu after having a semi writer's block lol. The last chapters weren't as cute but what can I do 🤷?

Anyways y'all have requests or do I keep writing from my weird mind?

❝ single dad ❞ ; yoongiWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt