eighteen ; ❝ a supplementary story 3 ❞

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Jimin and Taehyung: 8 years old

Jungkook: 6 years old

Yoongi had an important meeting to go to, the babysitter canceled, and he couldn't take the boys with him this time.

Solution? Call you. (Hotel? Trivago)

You complied happily when he called you to take care of the kids, much to his surprise. It's not like you had anything better to do. That night you had planned to binge watch a show and pig out on snacks. Choosing to take care of Yoongi's kids would definitely be a better option.

He always had strict rules with them, like bedtime and screen time limits, but the kids were good with you anyway. You kind of let them do what they wanted, as long as they didn't break anything and never strayed too far from the rules.

"Can I play games on your phone?" asked Jimin as he climbed on the couch beside you. You nodded and handed him your phone.

You watched as he opened a random game and played it, sticking his tongue out in concentration cutely. Soon, Taehyung came over and they started playing together, trying to see who would get the best score. So far, everything was going well.

Wait. Where was Jungkook?

"Guys, where's Jungkook?" you asked, but the twin's attention remained on your phone.

They didn't respond, Tae's face devoid of an emotion, but Jimin didn't move as his face turned a light shade of pink. Your suspicion grew. Jimin looked like he was hiding something.

Before you could question them, you heard a loud crash coming from the kitchen. You immediately turned and got up, heading towards the direction of the sound.

"Wait!" you heard Jimin call out, but you ignored him and stepped into the kitchen anyway.

There, in the middle of the kitchen, stood a small boy lugging a pint of ice cream and three spoons. Well, two. The third was on the floor, making you assume the loud sound was from it's downfall (why does that sound so dramatic 😩).

"What are you doing, young man?" you asked, raising your eyebrow intimidatingly.

Jungkook visibly gulped and looked at his big brothers behind you, his eyes filling with tears. "W-We just wanted ice cream," he forced out.

You melted for the baby boy.

"We were supposed to distract you while he took it to our room to eat later," piped up Taehyung nonchalantly. Jungkook looked at you with big worried eyes.

"If you had taken it to your room, it would've melted before you even got to eat it," you said bluntly. "Let's eat it now."

All three boys gasped. "Really? You're not mad at us?" asked Jungkook, the solo tear on his face shining.

You smiled and crouched down to his level, putting your hands on his face and wiping the tear away with your thumb. "I'm just mad that you guys tried to eat ice cream without me."

They remained speechless as you plucked the items out of Jungkook's arms and headed toward the table, setting them down there. "Somebody get me a spoon, let's eat a lot before bedtime," you called out, hearing the drawer being opened behind you as you sat down.

Taehyung grinned as he handed you a big spoon and hoisted himself up on the tall chair. You smiled back gratefully and opened the container, letting each boy stab their spoons in before diving in yourself.

You watched as they each ate off their spoons with a big smile on their faces. Soon, the nearly-new pint of ice cream was halfway gone.

You tucked the boys in when it was time to sleep, making sure each boy was comfortable before turning off the light and settling on the couch to wait for Yoongi to come home. Once he did, he thanked you and you left to your house with a smile on your face.
A couple of hours had already passed, and you were knocked out in your bed. Your phone buzzed suddenly, it's startling vibrations waking you up immediately. You jolted awake, realizing it was your phone and groaning in annoyance.

You grabbed the phone and looked at it through squinted eyes. Yoongi was calling. You smacked your lips and answered, but before you could even greet him, he spoke.

"Y/N! It's 2:00 AM and all three boys are currently jumping on my bed. Did you give them ice cream or something?!"



Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter!

Jungkook finally posed a selca UAHSKSJBDJS

I hope you guys are doing well in quarantine. I'm starting to get bored lmao. Please stay careful and clean <3

Drop something to make me laugh?

Drop something to make me laugh?

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❝ single dad ❞ ; yoongiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora