twenty-two ; ❝ 16k reads! ❞

2.1K 84 5

A dedication.
To my sister, who encouraged me to publish this book even when I didn't want to.
Without her, this book wouldn't be at 16k.

Please give her book some love as well. It's good, I promise. You won't be disappointed.

Remember chapter eight, "100 reads?" Seems just like yesterday I was writing that.

This is part two. Enjoy <3

(Jimin's point of view)

Wake up at 3AM. Feed Jungkook. Attempt to go back to sleep. Fail. Repeat.

This was my schedule, basically. Jungkook requires a lot of attention and care. It was exhausting.

But I wouldn't give it up for the world.

"You look so tired," commented my desk mate, Violet. I gave her a 'no, really?' look.

"How's Jungkook doing?" she asked, voice bright like always.

"He's fine." I didn't have the energy to say more.

Today I left my son with my best friend, Taehyung, while I went to my only class for today. They got along really well, so I didn't worry too much about them.

Class dragged on. I may or may not have taken a nap while the professor was droning away. That probably guaranteed my next failing grade, but I'll let that slide just this time.

Before I knew it, Violet was shaking me awake as students were streaming out of the classroom. I woke with a start and tired eyes, but smiled at her thankfully.

The happiness on Jungkook's face was unmistakable and priceless. I could have less than two hours of sleep a day and still go to school after that for him. Though he was only six months old, he had me wrapped around his tiny finger.

Taehyung immediately gave the baby to me with his telltale boxy smile. "I hope he was good today," I stated, staring into Jungkook's huge eyes.

"He cried less than last time, that's for sure," said Taehyung, his tone sarcastic but playful.

I held in a grimace. "I sorry I dumped him on you on your free day."

He shook his head. "Nonsense. I have another free day next week. Besides, it was only three hours. I'm happy to hang around this little one," he assured, reaching out to poke Jungkook's puffy cheek.

He was already falling asleep in my arms as I waved goodbye to my best friend and put him in the carrier to go home. I giggled seeing some drool drip out of his mouth.

"Please don't fall asleep now," I muttered as I buckled the carrier in. "If you do, you'll keep me up all night."

Surprisingly, Jungkook managed to stay awake during the ride home and even made some weird baby noises. Usually the low hum of the car would lull him to sleep.

This was routinely the time that Jungkook decided he wanted to eat, but also the time I did my homework. Saying it was a hassle would be an understatement.

I prepared the formula along with my laptop and some papers. Jungkook watched me carefully, knowing that I was making his food. I bet he felt smug that he didn't even have to cry to let me know what he wanted.

"Okay Jungkook, go easy on me this time, yeah?" I said optimistically, sitting down and propping him up in my lap. He immediately reached for the bottle and I giggled at his enthusiasm.

My eyes widened in surprise as he drank the bottle with no fuss, no noise, nothing. Not even a blink. I was so shocked I almost forgot about my open laptop and the loads of homework I have assigned on there.

Huh. Maybe this time he decided to have mercy on me.

I gave up on my work before Jungkook finished the bottle, so I watched him as he chugged it down. It was weird how much he ate in one sitting.

Finally, the boy let go of the bottle with a pop and his eyes fluttered closed. My shock increased. That was it? He was going down without a fight? Never before in his life has he gone down so easy. Maybe I was overreacting.

"You're so cute," I whispered, cooing at the way his nose twitched like a bunny.

I smiled to myself and adjusted my grip on him so I could put my things away without disturbing his sleep.

However, as I was putting Jungkook down in his bassinet, his eyes snapped open scaring the life out of me. It was like those zombies movies where you think they're dead and suddenly they open their eyes making you terrified.

I almost shuddered, if not for Jungkook's mouth opening in a wail upon waking up.

I sighed and bounced him up and down until he was suddenly asleep again. Though much to my surprise, he woke up yet again as he was being lowered. I tried again to put him to sleep, but the cycle kept repeating.

"What do you want, Jungkook?" I questioned. He answered with another wail.

I guess this would be another sleepless night for me. And here I thought that I could finally rest.

I fell to my bed in exhaustion, Jungkook laying beside me and finding his toes very interesting. I watched him with half lidded eyes, finding it harder and harder to keep them open, until finally I closed them and succumbed to the exhaustion.

That night I slept very peacefully.

This is for you, you wet sock

This is for you, you wet sock

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