twenty ; ❝ sit down ❞

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Jimin and Taehyung: 4 years old
Jungkook: 2 years old

Breathing with a mask on is hard and annoying. I speak from a couple years of experience.

However, I had to do it for mine and my family's safety.

Walking through an airport was extremely difficult with luggage and babies. Especially if one of those babies has short, unsteady legs and the other two liked to play around.

"Jimin and Tae," I snapped for the fifth time. "Please hold on to Jungkook. He keeps falling behind and I can't lose him."

Jimin giggled and took Jungkook's hand and Taehyung took the other, while I held on to the oldest, along with our baggage. Maybe I should get one of those baby leashes to make everything easier.

BigHit gave us a break from promotional activities, so I decided to take the boys to the beach for the very first time. 

Since I wasn't traveling with the band and our staff, I'd have to take a passenger plane. The boys have never been on on of those, so I worried over how they would behave surrounded by all those people. Thankfully, I chose some seats in first class where there would be less disturbances.

When our class was called, I stood up, grasping Jimin's hand and making sure the others were secure too, and I headed for the lady who was scanning tickets. I kept my face down, cap lowered over my head, and gave her our tickets.

"I like your hat!" I heard Taehyung exclaim and I almost laughed out loud. She was wearing something that resembled a box on her head, of course Taehyung would compliment it.

The woman giggled. "Why, thank you!"

She scanned the boarding passes and gave me a friendly smile as she stepped aside to let us in the terminal. I nodded politely at her then tightened my hold on Jimin's hand to pull them along.

(I honestly forgot how airports work, forgive me, its been a year 😂🌮)

The second we stepped in the terminal the boys bursted with excitement.

"Tunnel!" shouted Jungkook in his warbled baby voice.

Jimin giggled at his little brother and reached out to ruffle his hair. The "tunnel" jostled with each step we took, making me unsure about the stability of it. In the back of my head I knew we were safe, but I couldn't help but worry that it would collapse and hurt my sons. Every single time.

There was yet another woman waiting at the entrance of the aircraft with a big hat and an even bigger smile. Her posture was so stiff I almost thought she was a mannequin.

"Welcome aboard," she greeted as we passed.

I nodded in thanks and trudged in to found our seats in the front. While I was putting the carry-ons up in the compartment, I heard Jungkook babbling something that sounded like a jet sound.

I picked him up and rested him on my hip. "It's a plane, Kookie. Can you say plane?"

He grinned at me. " 'ane," he responded, cutting the word in half.

❝ single dad ❞ ; yoongiTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang