eight ; ❝ 100 reads! ❞

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So I woke up and I saw there was over 100 reads and I'm so happy! I decided to make a milestone chapter for you guys, as a thanks for taking the time to read my story. There will also be a milestone chapter for each milestone, such as 200 or 300 reads (assuming we get there). Hope you enjoy!

This is a spinoff of the original, so in this chapter Jimin is the father of baby Jungkook! I've wanted to write this for a while now.

"Hi, Miss Lee, I have a question," I said into the phone. Miss Lee, my professor, responded with a chipper voice. "Oh? Yes, Jimin?" I looked at Jungkook who was wailing at me, tears running down his face and pounding his small fists on my legs.

I looked back out of the living room window. "I have a little problem with my son...he's developed some separation anxiety. I was just wondering if it would be okay to bring him to class? Though I'm warning you, I'm not sure if he'll behave," I said hesitantly. Miss Lee chuckled on the other side of the line. "Sure, Jimin, I haven't met him yet. Besides, we're just reviewing things we already learned today, so it'll be fun to have a little one there," she assured me. I sighed in relief. "Okay, thanks Miss Lee."

I had drowned out Jungkook's cries before (though I'm sure Miss Lee could hear them through the phone), but now I can hear him loud and clear and it's giving me a slight headache. I looked down and tapped Jungkook with my foot. He looked at me in surprise when I crouched down to be eye level with him.

"Hey, buddy. I'm not leaving you, okay? You can stop crying," I said gently, running my hands through his soft hair. His wails died down but the tears were still there.

Soon, I had Jungkook all strapped in his carrier and on my way to the university. During the drive, he would occasionally slightly cry out, as if looking for me. I would have to take a hand off the steering wheel and show him I was still here.

When we got there, I saw Jungkook was asleep, but luckily for me, he's a deep sleeper, so I don't have to worry about waking him up. After entering the class, I realized I was there early, along with a few others that were setting up their work spaces. Miss Lee saw me come in first (she's always there before class for some reason).

She spotted me with my backpack, lugging a baby carrier. Miss Lee had always been nice and friendly, so it's no surprise that she immediately came over to coo at my son. I heard him make a noise, that noise he makes when he wakes up, so I lifted the purple blanket to show his sleepy face.

"Oh, he's so cute!" awed Miss Lee, her hand coming up to Jungkook's face. He smiled and clutched his Iron Man plushy. After two minutes of cooing at Jungkook, Miss Lee finally let me go to my work space. I sat on the far end of the room, so most of the students who came early didn't sit next to me.

Once I set the carrier down, I took off my backpack and sat. I checked the clock, two minutes for class to begin. Now, the rest of the students were walking in, talking and all that.

Jungkook sneezed and I looked down at him smiling innocently at me but with mucus coming out of his nose. I chuckled and took out a wet wipe to clean it. As I finished swiping his top lip, I heard a loud female squeal. My seatmate, Violet was looking at Jungkook with adoration in her eyes. "This is your son, right? He's adorable! I love babies!" she gushed.

I smiled at her. "Yeah, he's my little bunny," I responded, booping Jungkook's nose slightly making him giggle. Violet made that big uwu face and I laughed. Jungkook's laugh is hard not to love.

"Alright, class. Settle down, settle down," Miss Lee's voice rang throughout the room as Violet sat down. "Today we will be reviewing what we learned the last two weeks, seeing as many of you failed the test. Our main points were the occipital lobe and the difference of each hemisphere in the brain."

I started taking notes because she was right, I did fail that test. Suddenly, I felt a slight tap on my shoulder. I looked over to Violet, raising my eyebrows. She leaned in closer to whisper. "We were supposed to study the occipital lobe? I thought it was the parietal lobe, that's what I studied." I chuckled and shook my head. I opened my mouth to respond but a whimper interrupted me.

Jungkook was shaking, his face red, tears streaming down his cheeks. My eyes widened when I realized he was about to have a crying fit. I leaned down and wiped a tear away. "Don't cry Kookie, what's wrong?" I whispered sweetly, hoping to calm him down. He opened his mouth and that's when I saw what was bothering him. A new tooth suddenly decided to start growing, probably irritating his gums. I fumbled around in my jacket pocket for the teether, a green little thing that Jungkook chews on to ease his pain.

Finally, I felt it and I pulled it out, handing it to Jungkook immediately. He took it and began to chew, his tears and whimpers ceasing. I smiled and patted his head.

"Jimin, would you like to answer this question?" asked Miss Lee. I looked up in surprise since I didn't hear the aforementioned question. "Huh?"

Part 2 or nah?

Anyways, thank you again for 100 reads. I'll continue giving little gifts like these because you guys are awesome. Also, if you have an idea for the next one, I'd be happy to hear it!
Bye! 💜

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