Chapter 23

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"Are you being serious right now?" I ask Stella.

"Of course I am hun, I wouldn't joke about this. You really have no idea about wolves do you!?!" She says sadly.

"No, not really. What else do I need to know about wolf pregnancies?" I ask her. She sighs gently.

"Well we can't go to normal hospitals for checkups or to give birth because the pups can shift in utero. Sometimes they're in their wolf form when they're born. Also fair warning we give birth naturally since pain meds don't work on us. We burn it off too quick. So that's always fun. Not. But because of our fast healing we're up and about pretty quick after." She looks at my slack jawed expression and bursts into laughter.

"My baby might be born in wolf form!? For real??" I ask her.

"Yep! Happens alot. The pup shifts back to human pretty quickly though and stays human til puberty when they have their first shift" She says calmly.

I'm trying to get the picture of delivering an actual pup to seem ok but I'm struggling. She seems to understand my struggle and pats my hand gently.

"Oh yeah, most important thing to remember is that you can't shift! It can cause a miscarriage. That's why your mate will be extra possessive, because you won't be able to protect yourself. Well most wolves wouldn't, you have elemental powers but Daly will still be protective. You just have to have patience. Alot of patience!" She says with a laugh. I roll my eyes at her but laugh too.

No shifting! That's going to suck. But looks like it's going to be a fast pregnancy so... hmm not sure if that's a good or bad thing honestly. I'm feeling so confused and overwhelmed by all that's happened in such a short period of time.

I'm lost in thought and not really paying attention to my surroundings when I hear a shout of warning a split second before a hard body slams into our table causing it to collapse. Stella and I had jumped free in time but another female that was at our table wasn't so lucky. She screamed in agony as her leg got crushed.

Before I could do anything I felt Daly grab me and pull me further away.

"Stay here! Please!" He says urgently. I nod. He sighs in relief, kisses me real quick and rushes to the disruption.

I look to try and figure out what's happening when I feel something sharp press against my back. I tense. I look over my shoulder carefully and see Jai. He smirks. Mother fucker! I raise a brow at him.

"What do you think you're doing?" I ask him calmly. He frowns at my calm words.

"Taking what belongs to me beauty!" He says cockily. I laugh. He frowns harder.

"I belong with Daly. Our bond has reformed. Will you go against the goddess again!?" I ask. He spins me to face him angrily.

"You are mine! You've always been mine! I heard what the mutt said. Marked, mated and breeding! I don't care. I'll kill him and his spawn and then we will be together!" He says with feral glee.

At his words instant power surges through me. I might not be able to shift but I wasn't defenseless. In a move so fast he wasn't able to dodge me, I grabbed him and tossed him towards the fighting group behind us.

At the sound of his body thumping hard onto the ground there was a huge intake of gasps and shouts from pack members. Daly races to my side and grabs my face, checking me for any injuries. I peck him on the nose.

"I'm fine Daly, relax." He nods, still tense. I roll my eyes. He's definitely not going to relax.

We both turn as we hear a loud, dominant growling behind us. I see Jai has grabbed Stella and is using her to shield himself as Aiden, Brady and the rest of our warriors surround him. Aiden has shifted and is growling so aggressively that a majority of the pack are on their knees from the power he is projecting.

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