Chapter 2

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I rode for 2 weeks straight. Only stopping to fill up Suzy, eat and then finding a place to sleep.

The knowledge that I was alone should have upset me. But it didn't. 

This was the first time I had ever been alone and I was loving it.

No one to report to. No one to protect or to hurt. Unless I choose to that is. Lol.

The freedom I was feeling had let me be...uh... nicer, I guess, to people I met along the way.

I actually said thank you to someone yesterday! I almost forgot how to use manners these last few months, trying not to show any weakness.

Peter always told me to hide my emotions around our enemies and during a fight, but he was big on 'family'. And family values. Including using your manners.

Not what you'd expect from a gang leader right?! But he was more father than boss to most of us misfits he had join the Celts!

I sigh internally as I remember Peter and all the lessons he taught me. The rogues did a great job teaching me how to protect myself as a wolf would, preparing me for when my shift would come.

But I couldn't use any of those lessons around the humans.

Peter saw I had strength and speed, and so he had me taught how to fight.

As I got older he saw how fast I picked up new skills. He saw how hungry I was to learn. And so he taught me everything he could, and whatever he couldn't teach me himself, he paid others to do so.

With all that I've learned, and with my wolf reflexes, I'm not one to mess with.

I finally decided to stop at a small town named Corden. It looked like a damn postcard. Pretty, clean, smiling people chatting and laughing.

None of that drew me in though. It was the never ending forest I could see bordering, almost circling the town, that drew me to stop.

The happy people were a nuisance I'd ignore. What? It's just creepy to smile that much. No?! Just me then?! Lol.

I park my bike in front of a diner. I just sit there and look in the windows. Geez, booths! Proper old school right there!

I sigh and remove my helmet. I notice I'm getting alot of attention from the people on the street, but since they're at least trying to be subtle, I choose to ignore them.

I walk into the diner and hear my stomach growl when I get a whiff of whatever's cooking. Hopefully it tastes as good as it smells.

I make my way to the counter. I see a cute guy, maybe 15 or 16 at the register. As I look at the board to see what's on the menu, I get a whiff of him.

Wolf! He's obviously sensed me too because his eyes bug out slightly and he takes a small step back from the counter.

I keep my expression blank. I look the kid in the eyes. Calmly. Unthreateningly.

"I'm just here to get a meal. Not looking for trouble. Is that cool?!"

He looks at me strangely.

"Do I know you from somewhere? You look very familiar!" He says.

I shake my head no. He's still staring at me.

"So can I order here? If so, just bring me the days special and a large cup of coffee. Black. No sugar."

He nods and passes me a number. I go take a seat in a booth that's facing the door with no way for someone to sneak up on me from behind.

As I'm waiting for my food, I think about the kid behind the counter. He's the first wolf I've come across in 12 years.

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