Chapter 17

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"See Daly, no sparks!" I tell him the obvious. He smiles at me gently.

"I don't care Lox, I still want to be with you! I still consider you as my mate! The reason I couldn't be near you earlier was because you were covered in Vince and Carter's scent. It was driving me mental babe! And you called Vince Bae! Have you moved on from me? Is that what this is really about?" He let's go of one of my hands and tilts my head up.

"If you don't want to be with me, I'll respect that, but I'm still going to help you with Jai. But I refuse to give up on us because we were tricked! The moon goddess made us for each other! Bond or not, I'm yours. Will you be mine too?" Daly asked me.

He was wearing his heart on his sleeves. Hadn't I just decided earlier to try to work things out. To try dating like humans. Why was I hesitating now? Second thoughts? I look into his eyes and can't think straight. My heart starts beating heavier and I know he is all I want. No. Not second thoughts. Just fear of being hurt again. But he's worth the risk too. I smile at him and nod.

"Yes. I'll be yours!" I say. His mouth drops in shock. Then he whoops in joy and crushes me to his chest. I hear his brothers cheering too.

"Are you sure babe!?" Daly asks me.

"Shut up idiot! Do you want her to change her mind!" Brady says. Daly looks me in the eyes.

"No, I want her to stay with me, always, but I want you to be sure Lox, I don't think I could handle losing you again! Only the fact that I knew something was off kept me from throwing myself off a cliff after the rejection. Are you sure!?" Daly asked me again. I nodded firmly.

"I'm positive Daly! You're stuck with me now babe!" I say cheekily. He whoops in joy again and pulls me in and crashes our lips together.

As soon as our lips touch I feel like I stuck my finger into a power socket! We both jolt back.

"What was that?" I ask him. He shakes his head. Just as confused as me. Jesse gasps from the doorway of the spare room. We all turn to look at her. Alex runs to her side.

"Jesse! How long have you been up? You should rest more!" He tells her. She brushes him away, still staring at Daly and me.

"Did you just get zapped?" She asks us, we both nod, "Oh my goddess, this is so exciting! I've heard about this but have never known anyone that it's actually happened to!"

"What is it Jesse? What's happening?" I ask her.

"Your mate bond is reforming. Your souls are rejoining!" I feel my jaw drop. I look around at the others and they all look just as shocked as me. Good. Wait. Vince is nodding.

"I remember my mum telling me stories about this. She said she'd only ever seen it happen once in her life. Wow. How does it feel?" Vince asks us. I look at Daly and he looks back at me. His eyes are shining and he looks like he wants to burst into song or something.

He looks so damn happy. And that more than anything else makes me happy. We grin at each other.

"It feels indescribable. Almost as good as our first kiss!" Daly says. I raise a brow.

"Almost?" I ask. He laughs. "Yes, almost, cause our first kiss wasn't being watched by a roomful of pervs!" He says and we all burst into laughter.

"Not to break up your reunion but we need to get those marks today. Since Jesse is up now she can come with us. Moral support is always great, and so is someone to hold your hand!" Vince says.

"Does Daly being back mean I can't hold your hand anymore sugar!?" Carter asks me with a wink. Daly stiffens in my arms. I laugh at Carter and weave my fingers between Dalys to hold his hand.

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