Chapter 8

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The next morning I wake up to Alex hitting me with a pillow.

Now I'm sure this is normal sibling behavior, but I'm used to always being on the defensive.

So my reaction to being hit by something, was to punch. I hear a crack and then,

"Fuck! Loxley! What the fuck? Shit I think you broke my nose!?" Alex screams.

I jump out of bed and look around for any danger.

"It's just me here you weirdo. What did you punch me for?" Alex asks again.

"Are you fucking crazy?! Don't ever sneak up on me like that! People only sneak up on others when they're up to no good!" I tell him angrily.

"Ok geez! I'm sorry! Although you broke my nose so you should be apologizing too!" He says, looking at me expectantly. I just shrug.

"Fine, let's go to the diner for breakfast. You get ready. I'm sending Mikael and Jesse some replies. I told them about you last night after you went to bed. They're already on their way back. Dad thinks I'm making you up as an excuse to bring Jesse back early!" He tells me with an eye roll.

I just shrug at him and head to the shower. It might seem cold, but I'm not overly excited to meet them. Mikael is going to be expecting his 'little girl', and the sight of Jesse will just remind me that she has what I no longer do.

Then I get angry at myself for thinking that way. Keep thinking negative and bad things are guaranteed.

Once I'm done, I dress to impress. Short leather skirt with a low cut halter top, finished off with my combat boots. The look was sexy and badass.

When I got outside where Alex was waiting for me, he started shaking his head in the negative as soon as he saw me.

"Hell no woman. Get inside and put some damn clothes on! I'm going to have every wolf and man in the area sniffing around you like that!" Alex exclaims.

"I can take care of myself Alex! If someone's sniffing around me, then I'm letting them!" I tell him cheekily. I see his face flush.

"You have a mate! You can't be encouraging other males until you're positive you want to say the rejection oath, it's really bad form and makes you look classless!"

I nod at him in understanding. I won't make him look bad. We hop on my bike to get to the diner, since Vince took Alex's car yesterday.

It took us 5 minutes of arguing, but in the end I gave into him driving. He used the 'can't embarrass me in front of the packs' excuse.

Once we ordered, we sat to wait for our food. Alex filled me in more about what mates were, and the Pack trials, and told me more about his relationship with Jesse, and about our father.

We were halfway through our meal when the diner door flew open and Daly rushed in, followed by Aiden and Brady.

I saw him look around wildly, when his eyes landed on me, I saw him clutch his chest for a quick second. Alex and I had stood up at the door flying open, so we were standing when Daly ran to me and grabbed me up into his arms and squeezed me tightly to his chest.

My heart started galloping as soon as he touched me and the ever present tingles had the hairs on my arms standing on end.

I just stood there, my arms to my sides, while Daly hugged me. What the hell happened? As if he read my mind Daly starts rambling,

"You were gone! I got to your house and you weren't there! And your bike was gone! And I couldn't get a proper trail because HIS scent was overpowering yours! I thought you left! I thought you left for good! I thought you left me forever!"

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