Chapter 4

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I jump up as he gets near me and dodge the right hook he threw at me.

His pack members stand around us, blocking the walkways. These stupid fuckers.

He smirks at me when he sees I'm trapped. I have my mask on so I just stare at him blankly.

Someone growls at me and he turns slightly to say something, I'm not sure what though, because as soon as he breaks eye contact I'm already moving.

I jump on top of a table and then use all the other tables, running and jumping at an increasing pace.

When I get to the psychos pack members, I take a running jump and flip right over the lot of them!

I land upright, back straight, head held high. Not even flushed from the exercise.

The diner is dead quiet. Then Aiden steps forward.

"Alex, meet our new neighbour Loxley Lee. She's renting old man Dougals place. Loxley, meet Alex Anderson, Alpha of the Blue Moon Pack" he says.

I can see he's trying not to laugh. What about this situation is so funny to this guy?!

"You're making friends with rogues now Aiden?!" Alex asks while still staring at me viciously.

"She's not a rogue. She was abandoned as a child and raised by humans. We're the first wolves she's seen in 12 years. Just look at the way she behaves. She has no clue about our culture!"

I see a few people give me pitying looks. It makes me want to snarl in anger. I hate pity.

"I don't give a fuck what sob story she fed you. I want her gone!"

It's pissing me off how they're talking about me, like what happens to me is their decision.

"You want me gone asshole, come and get rid of me! If you can!" I taunt Alex.

I don't know what it is about him that gets under my skin, but I know that I want to hurt him for disrespecting me.

He growls at me, I just shrug, turn my back and head for the door.

I knew he would hate me turning my back on him. If it was me, I know I would. But unlike this moron, I'd know it was a trap and ignore the provocation. Alex did not.

He launched himself at my back. As I felt him near me, I dropped down to my knees, raised my arms and as he was above me mid leap, I used his momentum to toss him clear through the diner doors.

He rolled for a bit before jumping to his feet. I calmly walked through the remains of the diner doors and towards him.

"I've done nothing to warrant you coming after me like this. So I won't go without a fight" I tell Alex calmly.

My calm seems to anger him more, I can see him shaking and his nails elongate.

"Your kind are all filth! Your people stole my twin! You are all more animal than anything else. I've sworn to kill every rogue I come across. That includes you!" he roared that last bit as he again launched at me.

This was no human I was fighting. This was a wolf. An Alpha wolf at that. And now I'm not just fighting to live in Corden, I'm fighting to live at all.

We started a furious match of punching and dodging. He was fast and he was strong, but he was letting his emotions rule him. He did manage a few good punches that would definitely hurt later, but I got a lot more hits on him than he did on me.

I had stayed calm throughout the whole fight, until he grabbed me by my hair and yanked it so hard I felt like chunks were ripped out.

"You pulled my hair!? Like a fucking girl?!" I snarl at him. What? I like my hair. I think it's my best feature after my eyes.

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