Chapter 10

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I couldn't fucking believe my life. Seriously, I know I'm not going to win any citizen awards but I'm a good person overall. What could I have fucking done to earn so much fucking drama in my life.

I'm so fucking angry it takes me a little while to notice that Daly hasn't spoken since Mikael told us about Jai. I look at him sitting on my couch. He has a dead look in his eyes. He's already given up! After everything he just said, he's already giving up! He better not be! I'm not giving him any more chances. I don't need a mate to be complete. Not one that won't fight for me. I calm myself before I overreact. Better to speak to him first. See where his minds at.

"What's going on Daly? You're real quiet there!?" I ask him. He looks up at me apologetically. My heart freezes.

"I know you're going to hate me, but I can't fight against a blood contract! I'm not strong enough! I don't have enough power. And it's not just us anymore. There's a whole pack in danger. I want you so much Loxley, but I can't fight against a Alpha who has a blood contract too. I have to reject our bond!"

He looks at me with so much pain in his eyes. But I feel no pity for him. He's not even going to try to fight for us. I hide my hurt. I knew he was too good to be true. That this 'mate' thing was too good to be true. I place my mask tightly in place and just stare at Daly. He flinches at my expression.

"Fine! Say the words of rejection so I can too. Then you'll be free to be someone else's coward." He growls lightly at my words but then hangs his head. He knows it's true. He stands so we're facing each other.

Before he can speak Alex and Jesse walk in, followed by Vince who's carrying Mikael on his shoulder, still out cold. I hold my hand up to stop them from coming any further. I face Daly. I flick my wrist at him in a 'hurry up' kind of way.

I see the others looking at us confused but no-one interfered, they could tell something big was going down. Daly takes a big shaky breath and starts,

"I, Daly O'Brian, reject you Loxley Lee, formerly Lexi Anderson, as my mate. I refuse and reject all bonds that come with this union. May the goddess send you another!" He almost choked on the last sentence. I raise a brow when he doesn't say anything else. I hear Jesse gasp and Alex growl.

"That's it? I say the same thing in reverse?" Daly nods. Staring at me with what almost looks like love. Too bad it's not strong enough to fight for.

"I Loxley Lee, formerly Lexi Anderson,accept your rejection and reject you Daly O'Brian, as my mate. I refuse and reject all bonds that come with this union. May the goddess send you another." And even though I'm angry as all fuck, I really hope that she does. Hopefully he'll fight for her unlike me.

As soon as I'm finished speaking I feel a tear in my chest. Daly must have felt it too because he let out a howl of pain and fell to his knees. It took everything I had to stay standing. I locked my knees and clenched my jaw to stop myself from making a sound.

After what felt like hours, but was really just minutes, I finally felt the pain ease. It was still there, but no longer incapacitating me. Daly was still on his knees with his head bowed.

"Do you feel better now Daly? Did you hate our bond so much that you refused to fight for us?" I ask him. His head shoots up and he gets to his feet shakily.

"You know that's not true. I want to be with you so much, but I can't fight against a Alpha. We can't be selfish and risk a whole pack. I'll risk being alone forever for the greater good!" Daly says. I scoff at his words. He looks shocked at my reaction.

"Greater good!? Are you trying to make out that you're some kind of martyr? Please! You got scared and chose to run! You keep saying you can't fight an Alpha, but you're forgetting that I have Alpha blood too. It took me two minutes to figure out how to null this so called blood contract!" He jumps like I electrocuted him.

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