Chapter 3

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The guy that walked out of the woods was so fine!

He was huge to begin with. And with how tall I am, it was hard to find a guy that I considered tall.

I let my eyes travel over his body, covered only with a pair of low riding pair of sweat pants that had been cut into shorts.

Only my years of keeping my emotions off my face kept me from licking my lips at the sight of him.

This guy was built like a monster, abs galore, his biceps bulging, and my personal weakness, tattoos everywhere!!!

The boy was fine but I had no idea if he was here to talk or to fight. He came with reinforcements, so I wasn't going to take any chances.

As he got closer I could sense the power pouring from him. Trying to dominate me, to overpower me.

Not happening today bud! I kept my seat on the railing and just stared at him blankly.

He stopped walking towards me when he noticed I was unmoved by his show of power. His expression showed surprise and a small hint of pleasure.

Pleasure? No. I must have read that wrong. Why would he like that I'm not bowing to him.

I refuse to speak first. They came to me, so they can speak first. I continue to sit still and silent. He continues to stare at me silently in return.

After a few minutes of this I hear a growl from the woods and a grey wolf joins Mr Yummy. Yes. Yes I did name him that. He's delicious.

The grey wolf is facing me and snarling viciously. I don't react at all. It doesn't like that. Suddenly he pounced towards me, running full on, and in wolf terms that's damn fast.

But I'm fast too, and prepared. In a move so fast that I practically blurred, I had flipped to stand behind the railing, grabbed my gun, and shot the wolf.


I was careful to shoot him in the shoulder, painful, but not deadly. Don't want to start a war on my first night here.

The wolf drops to the ground, hard, since he was mid leap when I got him. He's whining and writhing on the floor.

Six more wolves run out of the woods at the sound of the gunshot. They circle the grey wolf in a protective barrier. Mr Yummy, is leaning over him, trying to check his injury.

"Shift Quinn, I can't see the damage through your fur" he tells the grey wolf, who I can now call Quinn.

Quinn shifts back to human. Wow. Another hottie. He looks young though. I can't really see what's happening due to the circling wolves. They're all differing shades of grey. Some lighter, some darker, but all grey.

"Fuck Aiden! That fucking hurts!" Quinn shouts suddenly.

Ok, Mr Yummy has a name, Aiden!

"Pat and Riley, shift and come help get Quinn to Drake. He's not in any danger. It'll heal fast once the bullet is removed."

Two of the wolves shift as I watch, Pat and Riley I'm assuming. Double wow. You know what, I'm just going to stop being surprised at how fine these guys are. I'm not sure if it's a wolf thing, or just something in the water in this town.

I'm still standing at the railing, gun at the ready when Aiden faces me again after sending the other three away.

"You can put that away now, I have no intention of hurting you" he says pointing at my gun.

"What do you want?!" I say, not moving in the slightest.

Two of the wolves growl at me ferociously, but Aiden just laughs.

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