"Jessie" she mutters sternly.

"I know, I know" I put my hands up in defense.

"That was such a hard thing for you, he needs to know. Especially if you want your relationship with him to continue."

"Of course I do."

"Then you need to tell him."

"I will, I promise. Just not today, ok?"

She nods understanding that now is not the time for such a touchy and personal discussion.

"Just promise me you'll tell him"

"Tell me what?" Cal says as he approaches us and grabs a cupcake from the table behind us. His tone is light and non-accusatory, purely curious. 

"Nothing we need to worry about now, babe." I say hoping to end the conversation.

"Okay" He says joining his eyebrows together but thankfully dropping the subject. He leads me over to the boys and their girlfriends and I chat with them until Lena asks everyone to venture out to the back yard.

Ashton's drums are set up in the grass with all the guests standing nearby on the small stone patio.

"Alright everyone who thinks baby Hood is a girl step to the right." Sierra, Crystal, KayKay, my dad, Christina and Calum all move over showing their guess. That leaves Mali, Luke and Micheal with me on the boy side. Lena stays neutral since she's the one who knows. Cal raises his eyebrow at me showing his amusement with my choice. This is the first time I've indicated what I thought the baby was.

"We think girl!" Cal's mom says through the iPad screen where she and his dad watch from Australia.

"Just for the record, I vote boy" Ashton says as he takes his place on his stool.

I laugh while Cal and I move slightly closer so we can hold hands while still remaining loyal to our guess.

"Alright, here we go" Ash says.

He hits the kick drum and begins to play. He bangs and crashes into his drums carefully avoiding the packets and allowing the suspense to build.

"Oi! Do it all ready we wanna know!" Luke calls and I laugh.

Ash smirks and plays one last run before he smacks his sticks hard against the small black packets. Pink powder fills the air as Cal and I both jump up in excitement. He pulls my body against him and smashes his lips to mine. We pull away a few seconds later as he wraps his arm around me and I press against him.

"A baby girl" he whispers. "Are you happy?"  He questions looking down to me.


Our friends rush to congratulate us. The girls gushing about all the sweet outfits I can buy now and how I can dress her up like a mini me.

"Cal's fucked" Micheal says and I shoot him a questioning gaze. "He's such a pushover, that little girl's gonna get away with everything."

"Hey! I am not a pushover!" Cal cries defensively.

"Whatever you say bud" Micheal offers while squeezing his shoulder. "And don't even get me started on when she's old enough to date."

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