Ever since he had met the old hag she had barely let her voice come down to a reasonable pitch, it always seemed to be laced with a fake sense of over-sweetness.

Why is she being so cold all of a sudden?

It can't just be because we're trespassing... right?

Triggered by her presence, red covered Taehyung's vision, making him stomp forward in front of the group.

"I think you know why we're here." He snarled, eyes narrowing dangerously at the woman.

What looked like fear flashed across her vision momentarily before a terrifying scowl quickly made its way onto her old, botoxed face

Stopping just in front of Taehyung, Hyun-joo crossed her arms, her sky-high stilettos making her tower over him menacingly.

"Oh do I?" She mocked, one eyebrow raised in question.

"Yeah. You do" Jimin interjected, coming up to stand beside Taehyung.

"We know you have her." Taehyung spat out, his thoughts racing so wildly he couldn't manage even a hint of subtlety.

The woman looked down her nose at the anger filled boy, face like a statue as she studied him once over.

"I'm afraid I haven't the slightest idea what you're talking about." She said ever so calmly, venom creeping its way into her voice, "Now if you don't mind, this area is off limits and you boys are trespassing."

Before Taehyung could reply, the woman reached out to grab his shoulders, a weak attempt at ushering him back towards the staircase doors.

"Get your bony old hands off me, you hag!" He shouted, forcefully shoving the woman away from him.

She stumbled back slightly, shock so clear on her face as she tried to regain her balance.

Taehyung had to pause for a moment to shake off the involuntary guilt that followed.

"That's it!" She snarled, straightening herself up and dusting off her dress, "I'm calling security."

With instinct taking over at her words, Taehyung pushed past her and darted towards the place where she had come from, Jimin following close behind as they rushed towards the darkened hallway.

"Y/N! Y/N WHERE ARE YOU!?" He shouted desperately into the blackness.

"Tae look!" Jimin yelled out of no where, causing Taehyung to stop in his tracks.

Looking over at the double doors where Jimin was stood in front of his breath caught in his throat.

From the flashlight on the boys phone Taehyung could make out the schools of fish painted on the old mural surrounding the entrance.

The aquarium!

Without another thought, Taehyung burst through the double doors, running directly into the pitch black room.

The faint sound of trickling water in the room sparked panic in the boy as he began frantically feeling around the wall for some kind of light switch.

By the time he had finally found it and switched it on, he had to cower against the wall to the sudden brightness that now filled the room.

"Y/N!?" He shouted, holding his hands over his eyes, desperately trying to adjust to the light so he could search the room.

He stumbled into the large opening, nearly bumping into a chair that was lazily thrown in the center.

"What the he-"

In the Eyes of the Mermaid - Taehyung x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now