Alec and Clary meets Asmodeus

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Then Alec and Clary both started to go to the window, then as they open, they both saw that everything looks all red and orange, the whole land is so dry, and all the trees look so dry up, and it got Clary and Alec to get really shock.

"Wow, wherever we are, this place doesn't look really safe." Said Clary as she look shock.

"Yeah, I'm guessing that wherever we are, we are definitely not at Idris." Said Alec as he closed the window.

"But wait a minute, where are the Mortal Instruments?" Asked Clary as she looks worried." More importantly, where's Magnus?"

"I don't know where Magnus is, he wasn't with me after I woke up, but we need to find him and the Mortal Instruments so we could get out of here!" Said Alec as he look worried.

So Alec and Clary started run at each hallway to find Magnus and hope that he's okay, along with the Mortal Instruments. They felt like it has been hours because the castle they are in is really big, and then before they could keep running to find Magnus, they were stop by someone who was oddly familiar to Alec and Clary. It was the same man that attacked them and Magnus while running to Idris.

"You." Said Clary and Alec in anger.

"Yes, it's me, I see that you two don't know my name." Said the mysterious man as he smirk." My magic is quite powerful, so allow me to introduce myself again, my name is Asmodeus."

"Listen, I don't care what your goddamn name is or whatever you are!" Said Alec in anger." All I want to is where's Magnus?!"

"What have you done with him?!" Asked Clary in anger." And what have you done to the Mortal Instruments?!"

"Relax you two, Magnus Bane is perfectly fine." Said Asmodeus in a calm manner." He's currently resting now, and your Mortal Instruments are safe."

Then Asmodeus started to wave his hand as magic started to appear, and then in one quick flash, the Mortal Instruments have appeared and Clary started to grab them and making sure that they are real and safe, much to their delight.

"Wait a minute, are you saying that Magnus is okay?" Asked Clary looking so worried for Magnus.

Then Clary have started to mention Magnus, Alec was just much as worried for Magnus, that he started to go to Asmodeus, went down to his knees, and then he started to beg to see his beautiful warlock boyfriend after so many heartbreaking months.

"Please, just let me see Magnus." Said Alec as he beg." Please let me see him and I swear that will give you anything, just let me see him, and don't hurt him, I really. . ."

"Why in the Lilith's name would I ever hurt Magnus?" Asked Asmodeus as he raised his eyebrow.

Then when Asmodeus have said that, it got Alec and Clary to get really confuse at the fact that this man in front of them, who have brought them down to wherever they are, isn't going to hurt them or Magnus, it was really strange for both of them and Alec started to have a terrible feeling in his stomach.

"Okay, if you won't hurt us or Magnus, what do you want then?" Asked Alec as he look confused.

"Magnus never got the chance to tell you about me did he?" Asked Asmodeus as he chuckled a bit.

Then Alec and Clary started to shake their heads no, they both really didn't want to say real words to this dark warlock or whatever he was, then Asmodeus began to chuckled again at Clary and Alec's fear and nodding response. Then he use his ringed fingers to motion Alec and Clary to follow him. Then Alec and Clary both quickly walk him. They both look at the place where they are being held captive.

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